Altadena, CA (PRWEB) November 25, 2014 More than a dozen WWII-era German U-boats remain unaccounted for, the fate of their crews unknown. The wreckage of the German U-boat was left with 1,800 canisters of toxic mercury seeping into the sea off Bergen in Norway. “Katchen Schroder was thrown into jail from Monday to Tuesday because she told a soldier to ---------. “What are your Americans doing? If not I will send you a copy. But that is only because of the terribly high food prices, for the Americans eat up our little bit and pay outrageous prices…The roads are all rundown from the army autos, and people are being killed every day by crazy chauffeurs. By the autumn of 1940, construction of the “Elbe II” bunker in Hamburg and “Nordsee III” on the island of Heligoland was under way. Below are some highlights and excerpts from that report, which you can read in its entirety here. Now she has told … A new song has already been composed, as follows: Wo steht denn das geschriben. “We were informed that your men were inclined to be rough, and the impression was left with us that we had a very serious time before us…but today, after living 24 hours with them, we have no longer andy apprehension. Translation:—“Where does one find it written, that one most love the Germans only? Things are better for them in America than for us here. SS Chirripo, Belfast Lough, Co. Antrim. . The German U-boats The most successful U-boat of WWII, U-48 returning to base after a successful patrol. ", 6. Meanwhile, the bunker-gates had already been destroyed during an air-raid on April 8th, and several hits had damaged the roof. As a result of the collapsing wall, the pens’ roof collapsed crushing the Type XXI U-boat U-3506. Friedrich-Georg Herrle. Several metres of silt also had to be overcome. Interesting World War One U-Boat Facts. With Jürgen Prochnow, Herbert Grönemeyer, Klaus Wennemann, Hubertus Bengsch. U-218. “The prevailing opinion in Germany before our entry into war, was, that American was a money hunting nation, too engrossed in the hunt of the dollar to produce a strong military force. The German U Boat ‘ace’ Otto Kretschmer, pictured in U-99 during January 1941. In 1919, the United States compiled a report on German attitudes towards American troops and their behavior during the war and subsequent occupation. source, It was not until 1995 when the decision was made to permanently shutdown the pen area. Therefore, the rebuilding of the German navy involved mainly the building of Unterseeboot (undersea boat) which is anglicized into U-boat. Since the Americans have arrived the German people have learned to like them.”, 20. “The Americans were what might be called bad prisoners. German U-Boats in the Battle of the Atlantic was the longest battle of the Second World War, beginning from the first day of hostilities and ending on the very last day of the war. It is clearly deducible that they are more satisfied with their present condition, than they would be at home”, 10. “I fought in campaigns against the Russian Army, the Serbian Army, the Roumanian Army, the British Army, the French Army, and the American Army. Turning the Tide: How a Small Band of Allied Sailors Defeated the U-Boats and Won the Battle of the … German submarine U-995 was a German Type VIIC/41 U-boat of the Kriegsmarine. These boats were virtually missing until 1985 when the boats were discovered through research by Jak P Mallmann-Showell, Wolfgang Hirschfeld and Walter Cloots in the mostly demolished Elbe II U-boat bunker in Hamburg. Private Collection. source. “Schoreder has also written to me, did he not send you a clipping of Hoover’s speech in the Chicago Tribune? But since our troops have been in action the opinion has changed, and he says that though Germany is at present a defeated nation, he believes that they would be victors in a war with any nation in the world with the exemption of the United States.”, 4. However, the fall of France in spring 1940 changed the parameters within which the Battle of the Atlantic would be fought. 3906x5016 px, 600 dpi, 1508 Kb Deck of a german U-Boat (probably U 33, commanded by Kl Siess) operating in the Adriatic Sea during WWI (photo Karl … sources / "[American] officers are not well dressed….All officers in the German army even when in active field … “The people here hate the French more than they do the British. Black Sea Fleet, 1854. The men appear slouchy, the officers to not stand out from the men in appearance and they do in any European army.”, —Dr. The French hate us because we took Alsace and Lerraine, but you only entered the war to make sure that England and France would be able to pay you the money you had lent them. Fritz-Julius Lemp, 1913 – 1941 (Kapitanleutnant) Sank 20 ships, 95,507 grt Commanded: U-30, U-110 Lemp fired the first torpedo of World War Two by sinking the passenger liner Athenia on September 3, 1939. ", 18. It was soon realised that such a massive project was beyond the Kriegsmarine, the Todt Organisation (OT) was brought in to oversee the administration of labour. By October of that year, a survey found that the two U-boats (2505 and 3004) were completely submerge in a seas of sand and debris which they could not be salvage. In 1917 this cargo liner struck a mine left by UC-75, a German … “[American] troops lack the snap and precision of the German soldiers but…the cordial relations between the officers and men more than make up for the lack of iron discipline.”, 13. “The attitude of the American officer towards enlisted men is very different than in our army in which officers have always treated their men as cattle.”, 14. The Elbe II bunker is located on the southern bank of the Elbe river at the Vulkanhafen. Isn’t she crazy?”, 34. It was a different story in Norway. Schultze took command of the 3rd U-boat Flotilla in July 1941, until joining the staff of Marinegruppe Nord in March 1942. His only U-Boat command was the famous U-47, Prien was selected by Admiral Donitz to attempt the hazardous penetration of the believedly safe British Home Fleet Base at Scapa Flow in the Orkneys. Only 35 new boats entered service in the war’s first year, while the Germans lost 28 at sea. “[I] cannot understand the general desire if the American soldier for the “Gott mit uns” belt buckles and the German Iron Crosses…[I] alone have sold more Iron Crosses to American soldiers than the Kaiser ever awarded to his subjects.”, —Fianale Fappen, novelty shop owner in Neuenahr. I therefore honor you, and, now that the war is over, I stand ready, for my part, to accept you as a friend.”, —Chief of Staff for General v. Einem, commander of the Third German Army, 2. This ‘story’ was gleaned from a similar situation in Le Havre in France when captured U-boat men were interrogated by the British. Electricity plants are over burdened and the inhabitants get a feeble current so that the Herr Americans may burn 3 lamps in every latrine.”, 26. “They have lots of money and buy foolishly. “Our Americans are very good. “Many of our young girls have gone wrong since the A----- are [unclear] is almost hard to believe of some of them. They slam the doors so hard that the whole building shakes.”, 25. Los Angeles Daily News Negative at the UCLA Library. Bunkers had to be able to accommodate more than just U-boats; space had to be found for offices, medical facilities, communications, lavatories, generators, ventilators, anti-aircraft guns, accommodation for key personnel such as crew-men, workshops, water purification plants, electrical equipment and radio testing facilities. “[I will never] like the Americans because President Wilson had said that he would furnish food for Germany and has not done so.”, 41. Commands: U-307, U-312, U-393. “I would like to go to America for a half year or so because it is certain that these people possess a secret method which raises the most common fellows into an individual who stands up boldly and moves about freely and unconcerned.”, —Letter from Frau Lisbette Schafer of Vallender to William Straube, 42. During World War II, an American destroyer discovers a German U-boat, thus ensuing in a deadly duel between the two ships. I am glad and thankful we are having American troops occupying our town, otherwise we would have the same trouble as many of the larger cities.”, 17. The German waterforce was made all the more lethal by the U-Boat scourge in the Atlantic, the rise of the 'Pocket Battleship' and the mighty KMS Bismarck. The German government maintained that the Lusitania was carrying munitions, but the U.S. demanded reparations and an end to German attacks on unarmed passenger and merchant ships… “[I] had been told by other soldiers that the American infantryman was reckless to the point of foolishness. Entries are listed below in alphanumeric order (1-to-Z). U-boats. They much prefer the Americans as troops of occupation. We have a large aviation field. U-2505 had already suffered bomb damage during an air-raid before, and also U-3004 suffered from a mishap during a test-dive. 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The Americans cannot grasp that we have so much work to do. Why don’t they leave the soldiers alone?”, 36. The incessant air raids caused serious disruption to the project, hampering the supply of material, destroying machinery and harassing the workers. There is no truth in the rumour of an underground bunker on Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. It may have prolonged the slaughter until the atomic bomb could have been brought to bear against Germany. Seven out of ten of the population are Americans. “[I] like the American soldier individually but do not like the nation as a whole…America entered the war for what money she could get out of it.”, 37. Because of the increasing intensity of air-raids, “Elbe II” was used for fitting out boats, new ones and those having happily returned. Directed by Dick Powell. “Since day before yesterday there has been crisis here too, among our workers; they all want to strike. Indeed, most labour had to be brought in. This list contains the most successful German U-boats commanders during the First World War based on total tonnage. The Treaty of Versailles limited the number of a German surface navy. How the censors will rave when they read this letter, but I am only writing the truth. Since then only souvenir-hunters worked on the ghost-like, but remarkably well kept wrecks in their dark tombs, which became flooded with each tide and reappeared making strange sounds with the falling water all some hours, day after day. Captured German U-234 U-Boat in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, May 1945. “Complaints, coming especially from the smaller towns, accuse the Americans of immorality and drunkedness.”, 23. Do you get as much chocolate as I do! “The young girls complain of the requisitioning of all public buildings by the Americans thereby making any sort of recreation impossible for them. Launching of U-218 at Kiel, Germany, in 1941. Most of the crew members left between April 15th and 17th 1945 to fight, far away from the sea, against British troops in the Lueneburger Heide, not too far away. Those lazy people. The resulting explosions shocked the dividing wall between the two pens weakening it to the point that a few minutes after the main explosion, the complete wall collapsed and the structure’s roof partially caved in. “Great activity here at present. “Prisoners of war under American jurisdiction continue to send home glowing reports of good treatment. “The Americans were the chief complainers when the food was bad which was always.”, 9. “Bolshevism is slowly spreading all over the world. One of them says that American soldiers were partly responsible for the condition of his yard.”, —U.S. It was also the most important battle during the entire Second World War because the success of every other campaign in every other theater of war depended upon its success. U-2501, which had been sunk by the collapsing rooftop in May 1945, was raised and scrapped in the early 1950s. Thank God a bunch of those XXIs didn’t get loose during the war. “The American army seems to me as fine a collection of individual physical specimens as I have ever seen. source, On the 11th of November 1945, Royal Engineers from the British Army detonated several well placed sets of explosives (mainly discarded Luftwaffe ordinances) in an attempt to implode the whole complex. He succeeded on this mission, sinking the 31,000 ton Battleship HMS Royal Oak to escape and return in triumph to Germany, and be getted by Hitler in Berlin. finally filled the bunker with gravel and concrete and buried the boats, then turned the area into a parking lot. japanese midget submarines the japanese plan to nuke los angeles. source, Today the surviving bunker structure lies near the main port Hamburg, on the south bank of the River Elbe.source, There were rumours about a fourth boat traced in 1975, but this was never really confirmed. Records about the Castle Del Key are old and vary a bit when it … Two additional boats, U-2505 and 3004, although sank by the incoming roof, survived the crash almost intact. Herbert Schultze (1909–1987) commissioned U-48 in 1939, and in eight patrols sank 26 merchant ships for a total of 169,709 tons. Fresh beyond bounds.”, 33. “The accuracy of American artillery fire…could have been considerably improved upon.”, 7. source. A group of 14 were brought in one day and when asked about their units refused to talk. ", 5. “There were only a handful of Americans there but they fought like wildmen. The ground selected for bunker construction was no help either: usually being at the head of a fjord, the foundations and footings had to be hewn out of granite. Du sollst nur Deutsche lieben? Two shifts were covered by 200 yard-workers, mostly Germans. One can love America also.”, 31. Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve (1 Feb 1943) Died on 4 May 1945, Baltic Sea, Little Belt. “A German officer said that the Americans came over here only to see the world and for the sake of adventure.”, —Mrs. In summer 2012, sonar scanning found a submerged vessel of the right dimensions in Canadian province of Labrador.Fascinated by how a submarine could find itself a hundred kilometers from the nearest ocean, YA author Bill Bunn flew from … I may yet go with them. “Many German girls go around with the Americans, I simply can’t understand it. Lives Lost: 132. Trier, 21 of France in spring 1940 changed the parameters within which the Battle Santa. 3004 boats were pumped dry and stripped of their cells accumulators, wiring! Xxis didn ’ t she crazy? ”, 7 out of ten of the village than did the troops! Happens aboard a German U-boat war did not get off to an start. Slowly spreading all over the World the British, former Prussian Municipal,... 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