Hancock: This is the key to practicing Buddhism properly. The Daishonin writes: "Words echo the thoughts of the mind and find expression through the voice" (WND-2, 843). Quote #9 Onstage, you cannot hide behind your instrument. Let us continue pioneering new efforts, making a courageous music resound from yesterday to today, from today to tomorrow. “You can’t hide! But the Daishonin insists that far more valuable than the treasures of the storehouse and the body are the treasures of the heart. Kingo faced the possibility of losing his estate, which, of course, represented an extremely important source of income for him and his family. "...At any rate, songs are important. The Gosho states, “The voice does the Buddha’s work” (Gosho Zenshu, p. 708). Ikeda: This is the attitude exhibited by outstanding individuals in every field. I am most grieved over your lord’s illness. (Translated from the July 2014 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai monthly study journal) Living with the Gosho and striving with the same spirit as the Daishonin, let’ s achieve brilliant victories again today! Don’t hide behind the trumpet! This is what is so wonderful about artistic and cultural exchange. "* Our discussion meetings are indeed oases In this sense, I believe it is extremely important to understand such Buddhist concepts and consider them in terms of their modern significance. He was saying, don’t try to fool the audience. He would have fired any of us if we had played jazz for the applause. ... Buddhism places strong emphasis on the human heart and mind. When we talk next about the Paramita of Almsgiving it’s important to remember this as a reflection of the attitude we need to keep in mind. 1. it is the Mystic Law and the Gohonzon. Herbie Hancock: Art [Blakey] was not known for technique. I have received the various articles from your messenger, including a white quilted robe and a string of coins, as well as the goods mentioned in Lord Toki’s 1 letter. I feel in my heart that I want to sincerely contribute or offer to “life” what is important to my own life. It is the perspective of Buddhism that both conflict and peace arise from the human mind. It needs to eliminate the differences that separate our hearts. Gosho: Hope Full of Writings by Nichiren Daishonin [8] Practice for us and others is an act based on the heart of compassion, the spirit in the desire to lead all people to happiness. When we open our heart to belief, we tap into the limitless creative potential of our self, humanity and the environment to transform towards a positive direction. An excerpt from Chapter Three, “Playing from the Inside.”. Ikeda: Music is the common language of people around the world. OTT, 4)." However, your statement on June 28, 1992, absolutely goes against the admonitions of Nikko Shonin and the guidance of Nichijun Shonin, and above all, the spirit of the Daishonin. No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Buddhism teaches that, when the Buddha nature manifests itself from within, it will receive protection from without. 2. This is one of its fundamental principles. (SGI Newsletter No. 1 p. 1170) Thus the Daishonin teaches that life's most important commodity—that which most greatly enhances the quality of our lives—is treasures of the heart. These instructions are self-serving: the safety of his status as a priest is assured as long as none of his followers think objectively about what he is saying. Victors in spirit are victors in life. Ability, skill, knowledge, and strategy are naturally important for everyone in every field, not to mention working harder than others. “It is the heart that is important” (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. (p. 44) • President Ikeda: Disciples who embrace the great aim of kosen-rufu and follow the example of a great When you play, tell me your story! ” I realized that he was talking not only about music but also about life in general. Shorter: We are deeply grateful for your fifty-year struggle to bring the world together and raise capable people. Gosho: The real aspect … One should become the master of your mind. Most importantly, Nichiren assured Tokimitsu that he would certainly attain Buddhahood in this and subsequent lifetimes and enjoy eternal happiness that spans over the three existences of life. The trumpet player, Lee Morgan, answered the phone and said in a loud voice, “Wayne, it’s Miles! We joyfully read the Gosho, strengthening our conviction to withstand the fiercest storms. Heinosuke Gosho (1902-1981) was one of Japan's most important film directors for several decades of the twentieth century. Making offerings (whether it be monetary, time or effort) towards kosen-rufu is equivalent to sharing the struggle together with one’s mentor in realizing the great vow for kosen-rufu. Art Blakey felt the importance of the survival of the music and its mission. What counts is our inner attitude, our intention. I believe when you realize this, you open up the channels of the heart. It leaps lightly over national barriers and brings everyone’s hearts together as a single family. ” I answered, and it was Miles Davis asking me to join his band. Like a wondrous musical instrument, we can play a melody of peace and happiness. During this period of time when we are not able to meet each other, it is definitely our heart that is most important. The Three Kinds of Treasure. To have faith is the basis of Buddhism.” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Vol 1: The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon p 832 . It was a moment when the hearts of the great teacher and his youthful pupils resonated deeply and powerfully with one another. It’s not about just achieving something to be “great,” not about your own glory. THE OPENING OF THE EYES (MW-2, pp. To correctly guide and master our hearts, refine and polish them, enlighten, elevate, and fortify them, we need to merge them with the great Law of the universe and unite them with a great teacher. It is important to have the desire to raise an outstanding ... (Gosho Zenshu, p. 574). The Lotus Sutra says, “I have profound reverence for you.” 2 The Nirvana Sutra states, “All living beings alike possess the Buddha nature.”. harvesting. What is your story?”. The Gosho is a work of faith, of philosophy, of daily living, of eternal peace, and of boundless hope. This is the treasure of the heart. Why Do You Contribute Financially to the SGI-USA? The “heart” is infinitely vast and profound. (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. Contribution. So if one can make offerings to kosen-rufu at this present time, despite facing various hardships and difficulties, one would gain good fortune that is immense beyond one’s imagination. 71-222): Nichiren Daishonin wrote this thesis over a two … At the First World Peace Conference held on Guam, when the SGI was established on January 26, 1975, I wrote under the column for “nationality” in the guest book, “The World.”. Playing just for applause is a cowardly approach. In 1963, in the middle of a rehearsal I had with Art Blakey, the telephone rang. In other words, he played from his heart to touch the people’s hearts. “Don’t think clinically or academically,” he would say. This is because the persecutions and obstacles of practicing and propagating Buddhism in the latter day is much more severe than during the time of Shakyamuni. All rights reserved. You need to build good friendships. Gosho Passage. ….The Mentor and Disciple relationship is based upon a Shared Vision…. As it says in the Gosho: 'The voice does the Buddha's work' (cf. This is something he taught us wherever we went around the world. " It's the heart that matters. “It is the heart that is important” (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. Strive to accumulate the treasures of the heart!" There were certain basic things that he played. “Everything You Treasure” Comes to Capitol Hill. World Tribune is a Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhist publication, from the SGI-USA. Like the human heart depends on oxygen, jazz depends on a sense of mission. When one makes offerings with a heart to sincerely realise kosen-rufu, great good fortune will accrue from such a heart. Since I started traveling the world to promote peace more than fifty years ago, I have persisted in dialogues to unite human hearts, transcending national, ethnic, and ideological differences. It brought him to tears. Fully aware of this, Nichiren in the preceding passage offered numerous examples   of outstanding warriors with brilliant strategic skills who were defeated in the end. When you have the strength of your own convictions, you already have a support system coming from inside. In the quote above it mentions "grasping the source" of the mentor and sharing that source. We can define ‘treasures of the heart' as the mental and spiritual capacities to achieve mastery over oneself and to have genuine fulfillment, a brightness of spirit, a warm and attractive personality, self-control, conviction, a … Ikeda: In Buddhist faith and practice, you need to advance together with a good teacher and good comrades. This is the way to make the sun of hope rise that will illuminate the next generation. When we advance in unity, we can achieve unlimited happiness and growth for ourselves and others alike. The heart to engage with it even a little is very important. “It is the heart that is important”6. 1, p. 1000)— this is one of the important conclusions of Nichiren Buddhism. (WND, p 1000) If one’s heart is filled with the resolve to strive together with one’s mentor, to dedicate one’s life to the happiness of our fellow members and friends, and to realize the grand vision of kosen-rufu, one’s life will surely be filled with boundless benefits and good fortune. But it is the heart that determines, fundamentally, whether we are happy. Shorter: I heard that at that time, Art said: “I feel like I have glimpsed the true image of Japan. Daisaku Ikeda: Mr. Blakey said, “When people come in to relax and enjoy themselves after a hard day’s work, it’s my job to make them happy—to wash away the dust of everyday life.” I think that you both have inherited his philosophy. (Gosho, p. 1447) The teaching of the three phases of sowing, maturing, and harvesting is expounded only in the Lotus Sutra. Taking these words to heart, SGI members reconfirm the importance of the Gosho on a daily basis and exert our utmost efforts in studying the Gosho. Happiness is not determined by an academic qualification or by the school in which you studied, nor by your position in an organization or company, nor by your age. It is set with myriad jewels of guidance. To pursue material treasure alone is to lead a miserable life. Nichiren teaches: “Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month. The first time we went to Japan [as part of Art Blakey’s group, The Jazz Messengers], in 1961, the questions we were asked were: “What is originality? , Mindfulness of Buddhahood in Life: Revolutionary Insights of the Lotus Sutra, Liturgy of Lotus Happiness Dharma Sanctuary, Challenges of Buddhism in the Modern World, The Lotus Sutra (Translated by Hendrik Kern,1884), Chapter 6: Prophecies of Attaining Buddhahood, Chapter 8: Prophecy of Buddhahood for the Five Hundred Disciples, Chapter 9: Prophecies for Arhats, Apprentices, and Proficient Disciples, Chapter 11: Sighting of the Treasure Pagoda, Chapter 13: Encouragement to Embrace the Dharma, Chapter 14: Expounding with Peace and Joy, Chapter 16: Eternal Lifespan of Tathagata, Chapter 18: Merits of Spontaneous Joy in the Dharma, Chapter 19: Merits of the Dharma Teachers, Chapter 20: Bodhisattva Never Disrespectful, Chapter 23: History of Bodhisattva Medicine King, Chapter 25: Universal Gateway of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, Chapter 27: History of King Magnificent Glory, Chapter 28: Encouragement of Bodhisattva Universal Worthy, The Sutra of Meditation on Bodhisattva Universal Worthy, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p 1097, Gosho Study #1: The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra, Gosho Study #11: The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Gosho Study #12: Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi, Gosho Study #9: Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life, Gosho #14: On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins, Dharma Book Review – The Clouds Should Know Me By Now: Buddhist Poet Monks of China, Buy Mindfulness of Buddhahood in Life (Paperback), Buy Mindfulness of Buddhahood in Life (PDF E-Book), Eternity And Liberation: A Commentary On The Anuruddha Sutta, Deciphering the Lotus Sutra: Commentary by Nikkyo Niwano (Chapter 3), Personal Experience of Buddhist Practice: How Mindfulness Meditation Changed My Life. Great Mountain Volume 30, Chapter 1 (11–20), Great Mountain Volume 30, Chapter 1 (1–10), “Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Even Once Contains Limitless Benefit”. "Sowing," is planting the seed for attaining Buddhahood in the hearts of the people. Let us strive together with the Gakkai organisation, the gathering of "good friends," in our effort to expand in our community the solidarity … I trained with Miles Davis early on. Never let your weaknesses master you. It will no doubt depend on the strength of your faith. “It is the heart that is important.”* Let’s not be passive in anything but instead positively strive to tackle the hardships confronting us head on! The clinical has no story. Many of our African American minsters have a life directed more in concert with Shakymuni Buddha than our Japanese Priest. Gosho and Guidance Quotes: Why the SGI Eternally Fights Injustice. In Japanese, the word for “mission,” shimei, is written with two Chinese characters that can be interpreted as “using your life.” A mission is “using your precious life” to achieve a goal. – Master of the heart: Study Nichiren Buddhism is very important. Nothing is more precious than a mentor who prays that his disciples will develop and is happy when they do. Our heart may be clouded by darkness and ignorance, or, “Don’t be clinical! The young people who received the message from Mr. Blakey in 1965 to “play from your heart” are now fully grown, mature leaders of the Soka Gakkai’s men’s and women’s divisions, encouraging and fostering young people. In the latter part of this writing, "The Three Kinds of Treasure," the Daishonin teaches that "the treasures of the heart are the most important of all" (WND-1, 851). In Buddhism Nichiren Daishonin writes that it is the heart that is important. Gosho: Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain, WND-I-598 . Ikeda: Mr. Blakey truly was a great “messenger.”. Think about examples you may have from your own life. (WND, p1,000) If one’s heart is filled with the resolve to strive together with one’s mentor, to dedicate one’s life to the happiness of our fellow members and friends, and to realize the grand version of kosen-rufu, one’s life will surely be filled with boundless benefits and a good fortune. This is the training I got from Miles Davis’s band. The ultimate treasure in terms of achieving genuine victory in life is our Buddha nature manifesting from … A daily quote from Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho Nichiren's letters, traditionally called Gosho, literally "honorable writings", contain the doctrine of Buddhism founded by Nichiren Daishonin. Our voice and our words are also important. Shijo Kingo was accomplished in the military arts and medicine. For me that "source" is the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho. What is modern jazz?” Art Blakey said it was about playing from your inside. You need to lead a life of victory together with them. Write down what impressed you about that gosho, particularly what resonated with your heart. It was the Brahmins in India who conned people with a "Lot of ceremony." The Ten Most Important Gosho. In some ways, you could say that part of it was simple. Should you slacken in your resolve even a bit, devils will take advantage” (WND-1, 997). Shakymuni rejected such things in the "Lotus Sutra." Hancock: Playing from the inside—yes, that was Art’s message. In Buddhism, the most important factor in making offerings is “one’s heart”. 1, p. 1000)— this is one of the important conclusions of Nichiren Buddhism. “It is the heart that is important” (“The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra,” WND-1, 1000). Back to Richard. To develop confidence in what you are doing is the correct approach, but what Miles wanted most was honesty and sincerity. Sensei’s vision: Important to study Nichiren Develop faith that is truly great and dawn. Buddhism teaches that “it is the heart that is important”. 7582, 19th SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 1 [OF 2] "It is the Heart That is Important," on June 18th, 2008, from the June 23rd, 2008, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun) Copyright © 2016 by SGI-USA. It is even the key to practicing music properly. The globalization taking place in the twenty-first century needs to develop as more than the elimination of physical distances. Nichiren wrote these words to his disciple Shijo Kingo, who was engaged in a great personal struggle. The ultimate force for victory is the heart. The ONENESS of the mentor/disciple can never be about idolising President Ikeda and putting him on a pedestal. Hancock: At its heart, jazz does not depend on its commercial value. The Lotus Sutra teaches that to make offerings in the present times of the Latter Day of the Law is far more greater than making offerings during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. Always remember, “It is the heart that is important.”* *”The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra” – WND-I, page 1001. sgi.org. Japan is my home.” I believe he was saying that no place is a foreign place. It is President Ikeda and it is me. He didn’t like it if we had just played something dazzling, showing off technique or playing up to the audience, becoming a pawn to the audience’s taste. It is the heart that is important. Then pick the top two or three points that are most important to you. This principle of good fortune arising from a sincere heart of making offerings is proven in the lives of such dedicated disciples as Nanjo Tokimitsu who made offerings to Nichiren despite the fact that he himself was facing great persecutions and financial difficulties. Read the Gosho in its entirety, and make notes. The Gosho "Letter to Akimoto" states: The doctrine of sowing, maturing, and harvesting is the heart of the Lotus Sutra. to remain undefeated in spirit. It is our heart that moves and motivates others at the deepest level. Everywhere is home. May 15th - 21st, 2017-- WORDS OF THE WEEK --The Daishonin teaches, "Myō means to revive, that is, to return to life. SGI members have read a single passage of the Gosho with their entire life, and not only changed their lives for the better but also achieved their human revolution. Our sincere care and earnest prayers for others will definitely reach them. But people never grew tired of hearing his playing because it always lifted you. I once shared this message to high school-age Soka Gakkai members: “Once you become aware of your great mission to spread your wings and soar into the future, your abilities will quickly expand.” As we dedicate our lives to studying, praying, and acting to fulfill our mission, our lives shine brighter. Learning from the recent online study, let us continue to advance cheerfully with the Heart of Challenge, Heart of Conviction and Heart of Altruism. You two are supreme examples of this. Buddhism teaches, “it is the heart that is important”. Daido Nakamoto instructs his followers: “Don’t talk to SGI members!”. Wayne Shorter: Art’s performances certainly made people happy. Buddhism is a religion of universal humanism, transcending national differences. For him, believers’ ignorance is bliss. The Daishonin says, “It is the heart that is important” . A Publication of the Soka Gakkai International-USA. You can rehearse scales and go through the motions, but you have to have a direction and underlying purpose for practicing, a desire to achieve something that you can share with others. Let's all sing together. When I finished speaking with Miles, Art said, “Miles wants to steal my tenor player! Spur yourself to muster the power of faith. Gosho contain not just basic theory or impersonal thinking systems , they provide a … In the end, the great good fortune Tokimitsu received was clearly many times greater than the offerings he had made. Nichiren wrote these words to his disciple Shijo Kingo, who was engaged in a great personal struggle. Shijo Kingo was accomplished in the military arts and medicine. This Gosho passage teaches that the essence of Buddhist practice lies in our behaviour of respecting others rooted in believing through and through the Buddha nature of both oneself and others. Wrote these words to his disciple Shijo Kingo, who was engaged in a loud voice, the!, and it was about Playing from your own glory of ceremony. the ONENESS the... In making offerings is “ one ’ s Miles that is most important to study Nichiren Buddhism very. More precious than a Mentor who prays that his disciples will develop and is happy when do... 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