[1], Strange attempts to outwit and trap Kaecilius. [3], Strange and his allies notice the commotion. Death | However, once Thanos managed to grab Spider-Man, he would throw him towards Strange, knocking them both to the ground. Strange says his goodbyes to Thor and Loki, Once Strange released Loki, he attempted to attack Strange in his fury for allowing him to fall through the portal for thirty minutes, but Strange decided he was done with the Asgardians, unceremoniously throwing Thor and Loki into the portal to Odin's location. Strange only took on patients that he believed would help benefit his status, even refusing to heal a US Army Colonel's back, albeit it was because this injury was a simple one any neurosurgeon can fix. He is a gigantic, godlike force of evil who exists in the Dark Dimension and seeks to spread his malign influence to all other worlds. Punisher | Agent Orange | Jigsaw | Lewis Wilson | Blacksmith | Turk Barrett | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo [3], Strange blocks Drax the Destroyer's Knives. Thor Villains, Comics Immediately following the successful surgery, Palmer questioned if Strange really needed to humiliate West in front of all of the other doctors, although Strange confidently noted that he did not have to save West's own patient either, but sometimes he just could not help himself. Hobby [1], Strange and Mordo see the Zealots' victory. Helicarriers. As the horrendous torture began, Strange was informed by Maw that he would be judged harshly by Thanos for bringing him alive, and so requires Strange to remove the magical seal protecting the Time Stone in the Eye of Agamotto, to allow Maw to retrieve it. Thor Dweller-In-Darkness | Being the superior fighter, Aster had eventually managed to gain the upper hand and knocked Strange unconscious, which resulted in his physical body's heart-stopping. Maw threatened to kill Strange, but Iron Man fired a missile into the wall of the Q-Ship. Despite his sinister plans, a group of Zealots mistakenly believes that Dormammu should be allowed to merge Earth with the Dark Dimension, believing that this would eradicate time and death and would thus grant eternal life. He spent most of his remaining money in seven different surgeries to attempt to heal his hands to the point of near bankruptcy, remained outside of Kamar-Taj's front door for five hours after being initially thrown out, then spent most of his time at Kamar-Taj studying and improving his abilities, even going as far as studying while sleeping through Astral projection. Loki is easily a fan favorite, having a role in multiple Marvel movies. [2], Strange ensuring that Thor's mission is safe. Strange and Mordo watched the Ancient One battle against all the Zealots until she was fatally stabbed by Kaecilius with a Space Shard. Without any knowledge of where it was located or even what Kamar-Taj was, Strange resorted to simply asking any person he passed if they could give him the information. Thanos | Others: Vice President Rodriguez Doctor Strange … Breaking free, Strange attempted to use the Stone against Maw but was quickly restrained again by cables. Before Maw could continue, he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Iron Man. Satannish | Strange successfully removes the lost bullet. Izel | Shrike Strange getting helped up by Christine Palmer, With his wound from the Space Shards mostly dealt with, Strange decided to return to the New York Sanctum and to continue his fight against the Zealots, although Palmer insisted that this was a bad decision. When Wong refused to hand over the books, Strange took it upon himself to use his Sling Ring to take books from the library behind Wong's back, though he quickly found out. [9] While his studies were becoming even more impressive, Strange also began questioning many of the rules presented to him in Kamar-Taj and started teaching himself. Thanos would use the Reality Stone to craft an illusion of Titan's former beauty to Strange. While Strange attempted to charge towards his enemy to continue fighting with their abilities, the Cloak of Levitation instead pulled him backward, away from Kaecilius and towards weapons that were on display. Strange eventually became attracted to Christine Palmer, a fellow surgeon who had worked alongside him in the ER department of Metro-General Hospital where together they successfully invented a laminectomy procedure, something which Strange tried to take full credit for and even have named after him. Strange tells Nicodemus West why he's wrong. Kingpin | Nightmare is the ruler of a Dream Dimension and he is one of the Fear Lords. Strange would past by in the park, where Iron Man tasked Spider-Man with rescuing the unconscious Strange as he held off Obsidian. Harold Meachum However, this was not to say he was a completely changed man; he retained a cocky attitude when dealing with people and things, as seen in how he behaved when he went to borrow books from Wong. In-universe, Dormammu's physical resemblance to Strange is a form Dormammu assumed to mock Strange. Eli Morrow | Holden Radcliffe | Aida | Lucy Bauer Strange tries to defend himself with magic. [10] Strange noted he had been unable to contact Thor and explained that Odin had requested that he remain in exile without being found. Spider-Man Villains | Kingpin | Bullseye | Vanessa Marianna | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Rosalie Carbone Yondu Ravager Clan: Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Vorker | Narblik | Huhtar Cloak and Dagger (Season 1) DoctorMaster of the New York Sanctum Strange had soon spent most of his money on seven different operations as well as numerous other rehabilitation techniques, but all soon proved to be unsuccessful. Mordo then informed Strange that although Kaecilius could not damage the physical world, his own connection to the Dark Dimension made him more powerful in there and would likely kill them both. As he named them all one by one, Strange would reveal the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto. Mysterio's Crew: Mysterio | William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug Strange then confronted the monstrous Dormammu declaring that he had come to bargain. Title(s) Despite Stark's pleas to not give in, Strange revealed the Time Stone, having disguised it as a star in Titan's sky, and surrendered it to Thanos. Chitauri: The Other With Kaecilius incapable of defending himself, Strange explained that his name was Doctor Strange, not Mister Doctor. Morgan le Fay. Others: Thanos 10 MCU Villains We Need to See. Others: Loki Laufeyson | Jotunheim Beast | The Collector Despite his ruthlessness, Dormammu is willing to honor those who make deals with him, as he reluctantly kept his end of the bargain with Strange by ending his assault on Earth and remaining in the Dark Dimension in order for Strange to break the time loop. Strange confronted the Ancient One, noting he had read the rituals in the Book of Cagliostro which had seemed to confirm that she had been secretly over dabbling in the magic of the Dark Dimension to keep herself alive for centuries, all while telling the Masters of the Mystic Arts to do the opposite. However, after a tense standoff, both parties realized they shared the same goal, before deciding to work together to ambush Thanos, who they expected to be arriving soon. Others: Justin Hammer As Mordo assisted Strange using the Staff of the Living Tribunal to trap Kaecilius inside of a building as it was being rebuilt, they then discovered the corpse of Wong who had died fighting the Zealots. Strange went to medical school and eventually graduated with an M.D. The Zealots, led by Kaecilius, contact Dormammu who grants them strength through the powers of the Dark Dimension. Tim Roth’s Emil Blonsky transformed into Abomination in The Incredible Hulk with the help of the new version of the Super Soldier Serum. Guardians of the Galaxy After watching Mantis, Drax, and Star-Lord vanish before their eyes, Strange, gradually disintegrating into dust himself, assured a visibly-shaken Stark that there was no other way before disappearing. Umar | Using his Sling Ring to send Banner to safety, Strange was then told by Iron Man to flee with the Time Stone, but he refused. Strange undergoes his next physical therapy. All the heroes then gathered around the fallen hero, and following Hawkeye, everyone, including Strange, knelt before him out of respect. Others: Turk Barrett The Cosmic ConquerorDestroyer of WorldsSavior of WorldsThe One Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Turk Barrett Despite coming off as arrogant and genuinely selfish, ultimately, Strange has always had good intentions. Actors/Actresses Of all the MCU Phase 4 films set to premiere soon, Spider-Man 3 and Doctor Strange 2 are easily the most exciting ones. Kree Empire/Starforce: Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char | Ronan the Accuser | Soh-Larr | Supreme Intelligence Dracula | Perplexed, Dormammu killed Strange again, only to have him reappear again, repeating his intention. Zealots: Kaecilius | Lucian Black Order: Thanos | Ebony Maw | Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Cull Obsidian | Nebula | Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Chitauri | Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas Sakaaran Guards: The Grandmaster | Topaz Strange chases just behind the Ancient One. Strange prepares to battle against Thanos. Portrayed by Nathaniel Malick | Sibyl | Luke | Abel | Wilfred Malick | Kora | John Garrett Strange made it clear he did not know about the Stones; a fact that did not surprise Wong. As Wong expressed his great surprise that Strange had read so many complex books on the Mystic Arts, he invited him to a deeper section of the library to study some of the more detailed books. Runaways Strange is told to escape from Mount Everest. Strange questioned if one of these great threats was Dormammu, noting how he had read of Dormammu in the book. He tasks Kaecilius wi… Seeing this as his last chance, Strange charged back at the door and screamed out at the Ancient One and Mordo to please let him back inside. The MCU might have introduced audiences to Whiplash, Iron Monger, and the (fake) Mandarin, but Iron Man’s most famous clashes have been with other heroes. Using all of the Ancient One's techniques, Strange created shields for himself, although he had trouble controlling them as he lost control over one. Strange's next medical concept is rejected. One day while in his Apartment, Strange was on a video call with a doctor who stated that he cannot help him and turned him down, angering him to where he threw his tablet across the room. [1], Strange learns of magic from the Ancient One. Lovecraftian Dark Lord, Destroyer of WorldsSavior of WorldsThe One, Ruler of the Dark DimensionMaster of the Zealots, Power bestowalImmortalityComplete control over the Dark DimensionMassive molecular manipulationAbsolute strengthEnergy projection. Occupation The Punisher (Season 1) [13], Strange looks into the many possible futures. ", When Thanos collected the last remaining stone, the Mind Stone, from Vision in Wakanda, he snapped his fingers, removing half of sapient life in the universe from existence. Skrulls: Talos | Norex Strange allows Christine Palmer to walk away. Strange was sent back through the Multiverse where he was told that the reality he knew was simply one of many. This was his second greatest lesson to learn - that time is beyond even his control. After taking down a group of enemies with magic into another dimension, Strange was approached by Iron Man, who questioned if this was the one out of fourteen million futures in which they would win. Iron Man 2 Strange sat down across from Thor, at first offering him a cup of tea which he changed to an ale upon Thor's request. Strange casting another spell towards Thanos. As Strange listened, Kaecilius explained the Zealots' plan was to thrust reality with the Dark Dimension, giving themselves and all lives on Earth eternal life. Doctor Strange: Mystic ApprenticeDoctor Strange: Episode 0Avengers: Infinity War PreludeAvengers: Endgame Prelude Others: Senator Stern | Anton Vanko Strange's astral form is pushed out his body. However, as Strange foresaw, Hulk had managed to reverse the Snap, returning Strange and the others into life as they had continued their battles against Thanos, with an army of heroes, as Strange had witnessed Tony Stark sacrificing his life in order to finally destroy the Mad Titan once and for all. and Ph.D. at the same time, using his photographic memory to learn all of the information incredibly quickly. Slightly confused but undaunted, Dormammu then killed Strange again, only for him to reappear and repeat his challenge yet again. Strange then requested a strand of Thor's hair, ignoring his protests and taking it regardless before using it to create the portal to Norway. They then continued their fight, as Strange managed to knock Kaecilius away as he then searched for a weapon. Barely recovering from the revelations shown to him, Strange remained on his knees and begged her to teach him how to do this, but she refused and then had him cast out because of his previous disrespect towards her and their ways. Ten Rings: Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar The Defenders He returned to Hong Kong to complete the time spell, coming back moments before he left as the Zealots overlooked their own victory. WandaVision Daredevil (Season 2) Strange's imagination and intellect have given him a vastly flexible personality, so much so the Ancient One could never see exactly what his future would be, only possible paths he would take. (Season 6) Inhumans Villains | Upon learning that Daniel Drumm had been killed, the Ancient One congratulated Strange for defending the Sanctum and declared him "Master Strange" as its new protector. Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange M.D., Ph.D is the sorcerer and a Master of the Mystic Arts. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Doctor Strange.Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is intended to be the sequel to Doctor Strange (2016) and the 28th film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He was then cornered in an alley by three thugs who attempted to rob him, despite Strange insisting that he did not have any money. Whitney Frost | Dottie Underwood While not confirmed, it can be implied that Dormammu honored his promise to Strange and never returned to the Earth, remaining in his own realm for all eternity. As the Ancient One began to go into cardiac arrest, Strange noticed that the Ancient One had entered the Astral Dimension and had left the room. Others: Jim Pierce Doctor Strange (2016) Once back in his room later that night, Strange went back onto his tablet and wrote yet another email to Christine Palmer, hoping that she might finally reply to him so that he could make amends for all of his unfortunate actions to her and they could move forward.[1]. Chitauri: Leviathans While she presented this dimension to him, the Ancient One warned of the threats like Kaecilius where this dimension could protect lives from any of the Zealots' sudden attacks. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Before Maw could kill Strange, he warned that his death would not remove the seal, causing Maw to choke him unconscious instead, choosing to bring him back to the Q-Ship alive. Johann Fennhoff | Dottie Underwood Juggernaut | Iron Man 3 Strange explaining the Time Stone's power, Once Tony Stark arrived with Strange to the New York Sanctum, Wong would show Stark about the Infinity Stones, where they came from and how many are there are. Strange continued to condemn the Titan's motivations as for mass murdering trillions. Alias(es) Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Turk Barrett Benedict Cumberbatch. Strange explained that he had used the Eye of Agamotto to create an endless time loop, keeping both him and Dormammu trapped repeating the loop forever until he relented and listened to his bargain. Mephisto | Wong then explained how Dormammu came from the Dark Dimension and sought to consume the Earth and rule over the entire Multiverse to become all powerful. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ultron | Ultron Sentinels Others: Obadiah Stane | J. Jonah Jameson, Television With WandaVision just subtly teasing his presence in the MCU, having him as the villain in Doctor Strange 2 would risk sending the MCU on a path it has been avoiding for years, which is one where its characters (both good and bad) are too hard to believe, introduced without much backstory, and a bit silly, not fully fitting with this universe’s style. While reliving all the possible outcomes,[12] Strange contemplated cutting off Thanos' hand with his Sling Ring, but desisted upon realizing that the Titan's skin was almost impenetrable and that if he failed to cut it on time, Thanos would still be able to snap his fingers and accomplish his goal. When Palmer continued to defend West and called him a great doctor, Strange asked Palmer if she and West were sleeping together, claiming that the mere concept disgusted him. Mikkelsen became a one-off villain anyway when he appeared in Doctor Strange, but he probably made a better call as Thor: The Dark World is the worst reviewed movie of the entire MCU… As they made their way across the city, Strange and Mordo were ambushed, with Mordo being forced to battle the both Brunette and the Blonde Zealot while Strange fought Kaecilius, who desperately attempted to break the new spell while Strange used the changing landscape to his advantage. He prepared to remove the bullet freehand without the use of a machine, as there was such little time. Alias Black Order | Thanos destroyed the gateway with the Power Stone, before throwing the remnants back at Strange in the form of a black hole with the Space Stone. Mordo. Strange asking Wong about all of the heroes. Revealing that Hamir was missing a hand but was still able to use his power regardless, the Ancient One made it clear that Strange could do the same thing if given more practice and confidence in his own abilities as a sorcerer. Iron Monger | William Ginter Riva Strange's faith with the Ancient One is tested. Others: Punisher | Elektra Natchios | Blacksmith | Turk Barrett | Kingpin At first, Strange believed they were researching cell regeneration but quickly became skeptical of her methods of curing Pangborn as she claimed she and the Masters of the Mystic Arts had healed Pangborn through his spirit. Whiplash Strange.. Alive Using his wits, Strange gained the upper hand and locked the door before trapping Aster in the jungle, leaving only himself and Kaecilius inside the New York Sanctum to continue fighting. Sambisan Militants: Sambisan Captain Strange challenges Kaecilius and the Zealots. Strange laughed at the complex names as Mordo introduced him to the Staff of the Living Tribunal and Vaulting Boots of Valtorr and then invited Strange to conjure up his own weapon using his powers. Doctor Strange Villains | When Palmer insisted that nobody else could have done a better job for him, Strange still insisted that he could have done better.[1]. Nodding wistfully in affirmation to Strange, Thanos stopped and began to reminisce. Strange is introduced to the librarian Wong. Kingpin | James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Vanessa Marianna | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk Although Strange passed it off as her being complicated, Mordo argued that she was directly responsible for Kaecilius and all the Zealots turning against them. Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer Commandeer the Ship to return them and the group would confront the Ship to them! Strange over and over again but was dr strange villains mcu to save lives Dimension study! 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