Of those, only 384 were completed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militant_activity_of_Osama_bin_Laden The concept rests upon the idea that we all lead multidimensional lives. In his 1967 write-up of his work in the premiere issue of Psychology Today, Milgram shared one particularly riveting anecdote from the first study—that of an envelope that made its way from a wheat farmer in Kansas to the target, a divinity student’s wife in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with just two connections. Confirming the validity of a finding by repeating experiments is, after all, a hallmark of the scientific process. The first popular use of Milgram’s study was the John Guare play, , which was later made into a movie. “Just about anything in the social, biological, and physical world has to do with systems that comprise lots and lots of interacting components,” says Duncan Watts, a professor of sociology at Columbia University. 5. Osama bin Laden’s son, Hamza, vows revenge against U.S. for killing his father – Jul 12, 2016 Iran’s mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment. ... two separate organizations were founded to help support the nascent al Qaeda network of radical Saudi sheikh Osama bin Laden. Several journalists and middle east experts agreed that it is unlikely that Bacon knows anything about terrorist activities. It was Boyd who made the final connection. Kevin Bacon made a Visa card commercial with Indian-born character actor Sahid Benjali. Only 3 of the 60 envelopes in the original study had reached the divinity student’s wife—a completion rate of just 5 percent. It’s sad that what should be a day of quiet satisfaction – the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden, the killer of nearly 3,000 innocents – has degenerated into a political spitball fight. You starred in "In The Cut" with Meg Ryan, who starred in "Searching for Debra Winger" with Jane Fonda, who was married to Ted Turner, who founded CNN, which employs Peter Bergen, who interviewed bin Laden in person in 2000. Kleinfeld’s interpretation of all this—which she also, (March/April 2002)—is that Milgram was so, of six degrees that he overlooked the weak statistics backing it up. ... A scene in this episode … ABC newsman Sam Donaldson likened the chance that Bacon is linked to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to the probability of the actor's singing career taking off. Kleinfeld boarded a plane and made her way to Yale’s Sterling Memorial Library in New Haven, Connecticut, where she donned white gloves and rummaged through boxes 48 and 49 of the Milgram collection. But in writing for the lay public, Milgram omitted statistics—the numbers that would show how few of his chains were in fact completed. The Irish mobster had been hiding in plain sight since 1994. “My graduate students insisted that social science research was nothing more than the systematic study of what you already know,” she says. In a subsequent study, he used two starter populations in Nebraska and one in Boston to reach a target in Sharon, Massachusetts. When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin Laden, he didn't tell the American people that the terrorist mastermind's late brother was an investor in the president's former oil business in Texas. I read somewhere yesterday or saw yesterday that the compound had a separate gas and/or electricity supply and was not connected to the Bilal Town grid. In 2006 there was the TV show, , which told the story of six characters who, according to the network, “go about their lives without realizing the impact they are having on one another.” Even the popular PBS series, has jumped on the six degrees bandwagon, with, that allows you to pick any two of the accomplished people it has profiled through the years—everyone from Aaron Copland to William Styron—and find the links that connect them. While you figure that one out, I'm gonna issue an invasion warning: Kevin Bacon, watch out. But de Sola Pool and Kochen were unable to find an equation that satisfactorily represented the nuances and complexities of society. Kleinfeld scoured the academic literature but found only two follow-up studies, one done by Milgram himself. “I was disappointed in Milgram, who was one of my idols, for avoiding the limitations of his research in the arresting and well-written article he had published in Psychology Today,” Kleinfeld says. 08 … Could we really find our way to, say, Stephen Hawking or Brad Pitt or even Osama bin Laden in just six steps? In the end, 61,168 starters signed on, and 24,163 chains were begun. The Oracle says: Osama bin Laden has a Kevin Bacon number of 3. magazine who split her time between the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the Hamptons on Long Island, where she hobnobbed with celebrities. I propose Osama bin Laden's final safe-house. The idea was to see how many steps it would take to get each envelope to the target person. Kevin Bacon starred in "She's Having a Baby", which also featured Alec Baldwin. It's like playing 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. There’s also the issue of belief. She sold to an actor's wife, who . But perhaps the most interesting use of Milgram’s study came from Judith Kleinfeld, a psychology professor at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. “This allowed Milgram to sidestep the usual publication lag in academic publishing,” explains Thomas Blass, a professor of psychology at the University of Maryland and author of, The Man Who Shocked the World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram, . Garnett even dragged Osama bin Laden into the conversation. Alec Baldwin starred in "Malice", which also featured actress Nicole Kidman. Chicago, IL. When asked if the government would also be questioning other celebrities and actors that appear in the link, Fleischer responded "No. The question is not just whether we are closely connected, but how we navigate those connections—and whether we choose to do so at all. Less than one-half of 1 percent of respondents said they had failed to pass the e-mail on because they didn’t know who to send it to. But the perception of connectivity is crucial in completing the chains. This is the Web engine’s answer: Truman Capote is connected to Lena Horne because Horne appeared in the book Observations by Capote and Richard Avedon. Then came the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, created by college students, in which players must connect the actor to another actor by no more than six other people. In talking to others about their coincidental experiences running into friends and friends of friends in unlikely places, she’s become convinced that the idea of six degrees has deep psychological appeal. Milgram, who was already famous for. However, he also reported that the average number of connections (not the maximum number, as people sometimes mistakenly believe) between strangers was six—still astonishingly few. And neither one, Kleinfeld says, substantiated the six-degrees claim. Of course, this raises the question: If we’re only six people away from bin Laden, why hasn’t he been tracked down and captured? When Ward arrived at the gym, both Pierre and Watts were there. In 2003 Watts published the results of an e-mail version he did of Milgram’s experiment. Kleinfeld is more skeptical. Horne is connected to Lucille Ball because they—along with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly—were in the Ziegfeld Follies. . Nicole Kidman starred in "Dead Calm", which also starred actor Billy Zane. Milgram’s study made headlines and resonated in the public’s imagination. The idea was to see how many steps it would take to get each envelope to the target person. gives people a sense of security,” she says. Posted on 06/20/2003 3:54:28 AM PDT by 9999lakes. And worse, he promoted his sketchy results to an unsuspecting public. Then came the, , created by college students, in which players must connect the actor to another actor by no more than six other people. It seems that by using the rules of the game, Bacon can be connected to Al Qaeda terrorists in six steps. Watts believes the majority failed because of other problems, such as e-mail spam blocks that diverted their requests. by Capote and Richard Avedon. The assembled team discovered the following link just last week: 1. in which study subjects administered painful electric shocks to other study subjects when urged to do so by an authority figure, came up with the letter method as a tool to try to solve the problem in real life. This would undoubtedly be a problem if the CIA, say, tried to connect with Osama bin Laden. Of those, only 384 were completed. Those who finished their chains did so within slightly more than four links, on average. This game is more commonly played with movie star names because their film roles are easy to research. “Just about anything in the social, biological, and physical world has to do with systems that comprise lots and lots of interacting components,” says Duncan Watts, a professor of sociology at Columbia University. Ward’s assignment: Get to Pierre. The assault on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan uncovered what one U.S. official called “the mother lode of intelligence,” in the form of hard drives, thumb drives and paper records. She first called her friend James, who worked at Asprey, a store known for its luxury jewelry. exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. Some people just don’t believe we can be linked by so few … This would undoubtedly be a problem if the CIA, say, tried to connect with Osama bin Laden. “My students, however, were not surprised. According to Watts, sometimes those in the best position to help you aren’t inclined to do so. There isn't a high level politician that would be immune to the six degrees of separation game but instead of being connected to Kevin Bacon they could be connected to osama bin laden. Those who finished their chains did so within slightly more than four links, on average. Most people don’t have that. I AM within six degrees of Kevin Bacon! While driving, Stewie and Brian play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, a game in which people link an actor or actress to Kevin Bacon by six or less films. posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its Milgram did it in reverse by publishing first in Psychology Today. management. Kleinfeld is more skeptical. Most people don’t have that. https://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/chechnya-primer-090326 The Benevolence International Foundation serves the same important purpose in the world of international terrorism as Kevin Bacon does in the world of entertainment. At press time, Kevin Bacon was not yet in custody, and had recently issued a press release calling the accusations "absurd". It’s rare for a sociological study to wind up a part of pop culture, but that’s what has happened to Stanley Milgram’s “small world” study, which posits that all of the people on the planet are connected to one another through an average of six acquaintances—or through six degrees of separation. Michelle put Ward in touch with her trainer, Michael Olajide, a former middleweight contender, who owned a gym in Manhattan’s fashionable Meatpacking District. To do it right, though, she needed to look through Milgram’s papers, which his wife had donated to Yale University after his death in 1984. The items separated by the longest minimal chains in the encyclopædia … A more definite link between Kevin Bacon and Al Qaeda could be made by linking Kevin to some French actor who associated with Chirac who met with Saddam... Or go the Johnny Taliban Walker route and search out some Californians (Kevin - x - x- x - John DooDoo Lennon Lindh Walker - Osama Bin Laden). No one else is under investigation at this time. “My students, however, were not surprised. Other times, he suspects, chains failed because the people who received an e-mail weren’t as interested in continuing the chain as the people who’d started it. A professional colleague and someone I grew up with may look at one another and not think they have anything in common, but I form the bridge because I’m close to each one of them.”. A professional colleague and someone I grew up with may look at one another and not think they have anything in common, but I form the bridge because I’m close to each one of them.”. Other times, he suspects, chains failed because the people who received an e-mail weren’t as interested in continuing the chain as the people who’d started it. Stewie asks Brian to tape the episode of The Brady Bunch where Bobby saves Greg’s life and Greg becomes Bobby’s slave. In the early 80's he served drinks to Carmen bin Laden, a former USC student, who is Osama's sister-in-law (estranged). It involves the misleading reporting of statistical data, the seductive power of a pleasing idea, and the vagaries of human behavior. 0 0. It’s important to understand how networks function because, as Watts puts it, “that has relevance to just about every question we’re interested in, whether we’re talking about the spread of epidemics, or changes in social norms, or fashions, or the expression of the genome.” It’s all about some sort of process driven by many things interacting with one another. He set up a Web page and recruited 18 targets in 13 countries. 6. They could even, Kleinfeld fantasized, track down some of the participants in the original study and see if they were game for another round. “People can find these paths as long as they’re motivated to do so and able to motivate people to help them,” he says. “People so much want to believe that we live in a global village, all holding hands,” Kleinfeld says. "There's no way in hell that either is very likely". The FBI finally grabbed this Osama bin Laden of gangsters in 2011. This is the Web engine’s answer: Truman Capote is connected to Lena Horne because Horne appeared in the book. In talking to others about their coincidental experiences running into friends and friends of friends in unlikely places, she’s become convinced that the idea of six degrees has deep psychological appeal. In the interval between Milgram’s work and Kleinfeld’s digging through those boxes, a field known as, had blossomed. In the interval between Milgram’s work and Kleinfeld’s digging through those boxes, a field known as the science of networks had blossomed. Were each of us really only six people removed from a long-lost childhood friend, a lower-caste field worker in India, or any celebrity? In the end, 61,168 starters signed on, and 24,163 chains were begun. One was the Islamic Benevolence Committee, founded ... Ayman Al-Zawahiri arrived in Santa Clara, … Nevertheless, for Watts the TV experiment provided another bit of evidence that the idea of six degrees of separation has a lot of truth behind it. Desperate to bring the terrorist organization to justice, the U.S. government began looking at Bacon about three months ago. The more Kleinfeld thought about the assignment, the better she liked it. But what of the enormous attrition rate in Milgram’s study, which Kleinfeld found so damning? Battleland well remembers Jimmy Carter’s failed mission to rescue the U.S. hostages held by Iran’s government in Tehran 30 years aqo. But add race and socioeconomic status and it’s a different ball game. Ward was sure she could connect with him in just a couple of steps. James promptly put her in touch with that person, a woman named Michelle. Critics say it’s easy to show how predominantly middle-class professional people can connect to one another in different countries. Osama bin Laden was the black sheep of the family, according to Prince Abdullah “It’s not a disgraced name. Senator Lindsey Graham said this today on the confirmation that Al Qaeda mastermind, Osama Bin Laden, has been killed by American forces. Now 86, Bulger molders in prison, found guilty of 11 of the 19 murders with which he'd been charged. Lack of interest, Watts says, points to the underlying complexity of networking. “But no matter how motivated you are, you have to be able to motivate the other person, who can put you in touch with the next person, and the next person has to do it too.”. Unlike the people who participated in Milgram’s and Watts’s experiments, Ward and Pierre were motivated by a camera crew and a mention on ABC News. But that’s not really the end of the story. “The belief in a small world gives people a sense of security,” she says. The results supported their notions of the limitations of social research.”, Milgram had said that he got the idea for his small world study from social scientist Ithiel de Sola Pool and mathematician Manfred Kochen, who, in the 1950s, spent, trying to arrive at a mathematical formula that would explain how closely all of us are actually connected. There is a popular hypothesis, known as six degrees of separation, holding that any two people are separated by a chain of no more than six acquaintances.Studying the characters of Wikipedia to see whether something similar obtains among its articles, Six Degrees of Wikipedia aims to be a compendium of the following things: . Usually scientists publish in academic journals first, and then bring their results to the lay press. FreeRepublic.com is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson. “I still find one of the most interesting questions to be why people so much want to believe that we live in a global village, all holding hands.”, The Sky Phenomena That May Have Inspired Artist Georges Seurat, The 5 Most Important Scientific Equations of All Time. Maybe they would find that the Internet had closed the gap further. When Kleinfeld began sifting through Milgram’s original data at Yale, she was surprised to find how much that data seemed to conflict with what Milgram had reported. Kevin Garnett has always carried that intensity with him. Milgram had used regular mail as the mode of communication between acquaintances, but her students could use e-mail. “People organize their lives along different social dimensions,” explains Watts. Milgram did publish the actual results of his second study, including the statistics, in an academic journal a couple of years later, pondering at length the reasons for the low completion rates of the chains. “I know some people because of what I do for work, some because of where I live, and others because of where I grew up. “If you’re trying to reach bin Laden, the last couple of people in the chain are not going to be particularly cooperative, even if they could be,” says Watts. Ward’s assignment: Get to Pierre. As it turned out, Silverglade not only knew of Pierre’s Bedford-Stuyvesant gym, he knew Nate Boyd, Pierre’s trainer. Save up to 70% off the cover price when you subscribe to Discover magazine. The film will tell the story of those behind the Navy elite SEAL Team Six May 2, 2011 raid on a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan that lead to the bin Laden's death. "There's no way in hell that either is very likely". Horne is connected to Lucille Ball because they—along with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly—were in the Ziegfeld Follies. In 2006 Pierre agreed to participate in a small world experiment with Watts and ABC News that addressed two of the criticisms of small world research: that no studies had ever been played out in real time, and that the people who had participated in the chains tended be educated, white, and middle or upper class. There’s also the issue of belief. Kevin Garnett #5 of the Boston Celtics reacts following their overtime win against the New York Knicks during Game Four of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals of the 2013 NBA Playoffs on April 28, 2013 at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. Some people just don’t believe we can be linked by so few people, so they don’t try to connect. "We heard that almost everyone in the world is somehow connected through Mr. Bacon, so we hired some avid fans (of Mr. Bacon) and put them to work, trying to connect him to Al Qaeda" said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer at a press conference held Monday. Osama bin Laden was in Without Fear or Favor: The Best in Broadcast Journalism (2004) (TV) with Charles Gibson (II) Charles Gibson (II) was in ABC 2000: The Millennium (1999) (TV) with Jay Leno Jay Leno was in "Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The" (1992) {(2005-10-12)} with Kevin Bacon The second study reported a completion rate of only 29 percent. Less than one-half of 1 percent of respondents said they had failed to pass the e-mail on because they didn’t know who to send it to. Sign up for our email newsletter for the latest science news, Touchgraph.com | NULL, Want More? - "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" is a popular game in which players attempt to link the actor to other celebrities, through his many movie roles. It’s important to understand how networks function because, as Watts puts it, “that has relevance to just about every question we’re interested in, whether we’re talking about the spread of epidemics, or changes in social norms, or fashions, or the expression of the genome.” It’s all about some sort of process driven by many things interacting with one another. He set up a Web page and recruited 18 targets in 13 countries. Whose life Bobby saved in that episode ( “ My Brother ’ s ”! You can connect to one another in different countries can be connected to Lucille Ball because they—along Judy! 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