The subs ALWAYS win. There had been some hope for mediation before the attack on General Belgrano, but these hopes sank almost as quickly as the cruiser. The sinking of the patrol boat Eagle PE-56 on April 23, 1945, was originally blamed on a boiler explosion. Also, it was one of the last … One such incident was about a year or two ago, when a U.S. sub surfaced under a Japanese fighing boat in the Pacific. Many attempts to find the Hunley after its sinking were made. The Japanese built the Mogami class, each armed with fifteen 6″ guns in five triple turrets, on a hull as large as a heavy cruiser. She missed the Solomons Campaign and spent much of 1943 in overhaul, but returned to the fight in December of that year. In an effort to limit competition in heavy cruisers, the new treaty established limits on the number of 8″ gunned cruisers allowed each of the signatories. A retired U.S. Navy submarine commander sued the Navy to release an official report on the sinking of the USS Thresher—and won. During the 52 days of its second patrol in the East China Sea in October and November 1943, Tullibee had several successful attacks. Her 6″ guns would have made very short work of any British ships unfortunate enough to wander within twelve or so miles. This first appeared in 2019. Twelve I-type submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s 1st Submarine Squadron had taken up position in Hawaiian waters by the evening of December 6, 1941, anticipating an attack on U.S. Pacific Fleet ships if they broke out of Pearl Harbor the next day. Blake Stilwell. It depends greatly on the situation and type of submarine involved. A few weeks later she was in company with Haguro's sister ship, Ashigara, when the latter was torpedoed and sunk by HM Submarine Trenchant in the Bangka Strait. The Foxtrot class, which entered service in the late 1950s, was comparable in performance and armament to most contemporary designs. By the afternoon of the attack, Phoenix was part of a task force hunting the Japanese task force. Interesting, this is the only time a nuclear sub has sank a ship as an act of war. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. On August 22, it sank a passenger-cargo ship and damaged one freighter. It should also be noted, that, regrettably, 323 sailors lost their lives. General Belgrano’s armor, while considerably lighter than a battleship, might still have been sufficient to provide considerable protection from the surface-to-surface missiles of the day. Haguro was sunk; Kamikaze was damaged but escaped. On May 2, General Belgrano and her group began repositioning toward the Argentine mainland, perhaps in preparation for another sortie to be coordinated with the Argentine Air Force. The last official sinking was that of the Belgrano in neutral waters in the Falklands war of 1982. lblakker. How long will the current leadership there, continue to survive? Hunley became the first submarine to sink an enemy warship, but Hunley and its eight crew members didn’t make it back from their historic mission. In 1956, the Diecisiete de Octubre was renamed the General Belgrano, after an Argentine independence leader. The submarines ninth patrol lasted only three weeks due to mechanical difficulties. Hunley attacked and sank USS Housatonic in Charleston Harbor, killing five Union sailors. What is stopping your from being a little more compassionate and understanding? Conqueror shadowed the group while the British government decided on the appropriate course of action. The Brooklyns displaced about 10,000 tons (slightly smaller than their Japanese counterparts), and could make 33 knots. It was 1864. In addition to the two Argentine ships, Chile picked up two and Brazil one. Argentines have ascribed belligerent motives to the British, claiming that the ship was outside a previously announced exclusion zone, and that it was moving away from the British task force. 770 of the crew were later rescued, but 323 Argentines died. In April 1951, the Phoenix was sold to Argentina, becoming the Diecisiete de Octubre. How to Sink a $3 Billion Dollar Submarine: Forgetting to Close a Hatch “Arihant is the most important platform within India’s nuclear triad covering land-air-sea modes,” the Hindu reports. The captains of the accompanying destroyers claimed that, because of the gloom and the electrical failure on the cruiser, they were unaware that General Belgrano had been hit. After the war, Phoenix was placed in reserve. Navy retires its last modern ship to sink an enemy vessel . They moved off, and only noticed the absence of the cruiser several hours later. Hunley was a Confederate submarine with a crew of eight. As noted in other answers 90% of the worlds oceans are greater then the crush depth of any military submarine. The H. L. Hunley thus became the first submarine to successfully sink an enemy vessel in combat, and was the direct progenitor of what would eventually become international submarine warfare. On February 17, 1864, Confederate submarine H.L. So successful was the December 7 surprise attack that for two days not a single American ship was spotted at sea. All except the bow section was salvaged. What would happen to a Canadian Forces army soldier if he refused to go to war? In 1968, General Belgrano was partially modernized, and equipped with two British Sea Cat missile launchers. Having virtually no anti-air or anti-submarine capability, her ability to decisively affect the battle was extremely low. Still have questions? Aaron Amick is a retired U.S. Navy submarine sonarman. She was part of Admiral Jesse Oldendorf’s force at the Battle of Surigao Strait in October 1944, and contributed to the destruction of the Japanese battleship HIJMS Yamashiro. Two of the torpedoes hit. The Cuban Navy had operations of 1978 to 1983 six Soviet diesel patrol submarines of the Project 641 type (‘Foxtrot’ according to the NATO code). "Our Iran has the technology to manufacture very advanced Ghadir-class submarines," the captions continue. She was accompanied by her sister Boise, which became Nuevo de Julio. The british answer is correct. Unfortunately for the Argentines, the General Belgrano had been detected by the submarine HMS Conqueror on April 29. With four torpedos slamming into her hull, the ship plunged to the bottom in a matter of minutes, settling in 30 fathoms of water in the Strait of Taiwan and within coastal waters now claimed by the People's Republic of China. Laid down in 1935 and commissioned in late 1938, the USS Phoenix was present at Pearl Harbor, but escaped the attack unharmed. Get your answers by asking now. The Thresher sank in 1963. Scientists have solved a longstanding mystery about the first submarine ever to sink an enemy ship — what killed the sub's own crew. These include a collision with another vessel, either a military ship or a submarine, as well as theories that organised crime gangs were involved or that an explosion went off on the ship. 2 decades ago. Once back in the Pacific, Phoenix participated in Douglas MacArthur’s New Guinea campaign, and then in operations to liberate the Philippines. In U.S. naval doctrine of the time, light cruisers were expected to lay down a wall of fire alongside the main battle line, thus deterring destroyers from closing and launching torpedo attacks. American submarine, the USS Queenfish, torpedoed and sank a huge Japanese freighter, the Awa Maru. Hunley attacked and sank USS Housatonic in Charleston Harbor, killing five Union sailors. Sink a 3 Billion Dollar Submarine. Inspection after the battle would indicate that one of the destroyers had been hit by a torpedo that failed to explode, indicating, among other things, superb marksmanship on the part of Conqueror. General Belgrano did have certain advantages against modern naval vessels. Probably the Argentine cruiser Admiral Belgramo (I am guessing on the spelling) sunk by a British submarine during the Falklands war. On the day after Christmas 1943, Swordfish set sail for her tenth war patrol in the waters of Tokyo Bay. Only one ship has ever been sunk in anger by a nuclear submarine. He served in both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on 688 Los Angles Class Fast Attack and Ohio class ballistic missile submarines. On Feb. 17, … Britain, which needed light cruisers to patrol the empire, hoped that naval architects would design new cruisers around the 6″ gun, and scale down the size of the ships appropriately. On April 26, however, it was decided to dispatch the General Belgrano and two escort destroyers on patrol south of the islands. In June, she came under attack from Japanese bombers, but did not suffer any serious damage. Andrew Pantazi. The USS Phoenix was the fifth of the Brooklyn class—a group of light cruisers designed to comply with the restrictions imposed by the London Naval Treaty of 1930. • K-141 Kursk: The Oscar II-class sub sank in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000 after an explosion in the torpedo compartment. Robert Farley, a frequent contributor to The National Interest, is a Visiting Professor at the United States Army War College. Military technology leading up to that time consisted of single-bullet muskets and the railroad. New UFO footage from the Navy was just released. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. The Argentine Navy and the captain of the Belgrano, however, have maintained that the sinking was legal. Kamikaze was a lucky ship and survived the war. It was a terrifying demonstration of fire power. All 118 men on board were lost. Do you mean in war conditions, or by accident. Severely damaged, General Belgrano rolled over and sank about thirty minutes after the attack. Confederate Submarine H.L. In early 1942 she departed for the South Pacific, where she participated in a series of vain efforts to prevent the Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies. On February 17, 1864, Confederate submarine H.L. The H. L. Hunley was the first submarine in history to sink an enemy ship while submerged, this occurring on February 17th, 1864 against the screw sloop USS Housatonic. (Source: That war brought about technologies we still use today: repeaters (rifles that fired more than one bullet at a time), and yes, submarines. Designed to fight the Japanese, USS Phoenix survived Pearl Harbor and fought in battles across the Pacific. Well, it’s important if it works — and it probably helps to make your submarine watertight. Are they just monitoring us ? The sinking of the General Belgrano remains controversial, mostly in Argentina and on the British left. © Copyright 2021 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. What point was the war at all? "Forty years," a caption declares, referring to the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran. On May 26, a hunter-killer anti-submarine task force arrived, centered on the escort carrier Hoggatt Bay, which allowed the England and her two consorts … There is a debate about whether it was wreck-enthusiast and author, Clive Cussler, who found the vessel, or whether it was underwater archeologist E. Lee Spence. Why do they never attack? Favorite Answer. They’re not that good against surface ships, but you don’t need much to sink a sub that’s a few hundred feet below the surface of the ocean. In practice, there was little functional difference between heavy and light cruisers, as the 6″ guns rapid reload time made up for the extra punch of the 8″ gun. Hunley, suspended from a crane during her recovery from Charleston Harbor, 8 August 2000. Condemned: The last part of the ship sinks beneath the waves in a swirl of water. The Sea Cat, an early anti-aircraft weapon, fired a missile capable of mach .8—slower than most jet fighters and surface-to-surface missiles at the time. The carrier lasts longer, launching two planes before it too sinks beneath the waves. On May 2, Conqueror moved into position and fired three conventional, non-homing torpedoes at General Belgrano. Tang was credited with sinking 33 enemy ships, totaling 116,454 tons, making it the most successful US submarine in history both in number of ships sunk and total tonnage. Once all American Troops leave Afghanistan. Although the political purpose of this patrol was understandable, its military logic is unclear. It was conducting final diving trials in Liverpool Bay when it sank taking the lives of 99 of the 103 crew aboard. (Geoff Moore) After sinking the ship in that historic action, the whereabouts of Hunley remained unknown until its wreck was discovered. The rest of her war service was spent mostly in escort, and although accompanying ships experienced several kamikaze attacks, the Phoenix escaped damage. The collision of a U.S. Navy submarine with the Ehime Maru, a Japanese fisheries research and training vessel, on February 9, 2001. The first time humans sunk a ship with a submarine was the US Civil War. The submarine ended its first patrol on September 6 by returning to Midway. Oh, the submarines are hardened steel, rising out of the water. The torpedoes used by planes and ships are often less than 13 inches wide and hold warheads packed with less than 100 pounds of high explosive. HMS Conqueror sank the ARA General Belgrano on 2nd May 1982, during the Falklands Conflict. how many bombs do you think russia has thats more powerful than the tsar bomba? The submarine was launched in June 1938 and embarked on sea trails in 1939. October 3, 2015 . As the ship submerged water flooded into the vessel. The modern submarine is not a simple machine. It was the first submarine in history to successfully sink an enemy ship. Made out of 40 feet of bulletproof iron, the H.L. However, it was louder than most western designs. • 1864, February 17 – Confederate human-powered submarine H. L. Hunley sinks the Union sloop USS Housatonic with spar torpedo, off Charleston. Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories. THe US Sub that surface under the fishing boat was the USS Greenville. Tang was credited with sinking 33 enemy ships, totaling 116,454 tons, making it the most successful U.S. submarine in history both in number of ships sunk and total tonnage. ? The video originally aired in 2019. Unfortunately for the cash-strapped Admiralty, the Americans and Japanese had different priorities. According to The Hindu, while the INS Arihant was in harbor a sailor apparently forgot to close an external hatch on the sub before a dive. The Navy must conduct the exercises at least 50 nautical miles from shore and in water at least 6,000 feet deep When the last Perry-class frigate, the USS Simpson, lowered her flag for the last time in 2015, it left only one ship in the active fleet which sank an enemy in combat. Forty-one years after the Japanese attack, she would fall victim to HMS Conqueror off the Falklands Islands. A model showing the lifting frame of the Hunley submarine, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. The USS Constitution sank an enemy ship… The Thetis (N25) was a Group 1 T-class submarine built by Cammell Laird shipyard. Why are the UFOs always peaceful? Indeed, since General Belgrano was repositioning rather than retreating, she still represented a potential threat to British forces. Finally, while General Belgrano’s obsolescence limited the threat that she could pose to British forces, there remained some plausible ways in which she could have restricted British operations around the islands. Unfortunately for the Argentines, the General Belgrano had been detected by the submarine HMS Conqueror on April 29. Don Lichty of Lemon Bay Isles mobile home park in Englewood was a torpedoman aboard the USS Torsk in World War II. Moreover, the sinking of the General Belgrano helped deter the Argentine Navy from further action, greatly facilitating the British war effort. The United States responded with the Brooklyns, also armed with 15 6″ guns. She also sent the last two Japanese ships to bottom hours before the end of … Her claim to fame was she was the only submarine in the U.S. Navy to sink a train. In fact, with rare exceptions, the only vessels that use heavy anti-ship torpedoes today are submarines. Posted On October 09, 2020 19:13:46. Key point: During the Falklands-Malvinas War, London ordered its submarine to sink an Argentine battleship. However, the exclusion zone was generally understood to have been abrogated, and no principle of war excludes attacks on retreating, as opposed to surrendered, enemy forces. There have been a few incidents involving U.S. submarines rising to the surface RIGHT under boats. What submarines could Cuba have offered to Argentina? See Kursk submarine disaster. Are U.S Army vehicles considered emergency vehicles? Union sailors force hunting the Japanese task force a Group 1 T-class built! Quiet at the beginning of the crew were later rescued, but these hopes sank almost quickly... That surface under the fishing boat was the only submarine in history to successfully sink an enemy ship… the ninth... In June, she came under attack from Japanese bombers, but returned to fight! Uss Housatonic in Charleston Harbor, but these hopes sank almost as quickly as the cruiser the.... In history to successfully sink an enemy ship — what killed the sub 's own.. 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