What is harmful, though, is taking this advice and then acting superior to people who don’t follow it, particularly considering the incorrect nature of a number of the items. Randy (#173), “yea” and “yay” rhyme, and I believe the latter is a corruption of the former, but “yea” does indeed mean “yes”. You wrote it on purpose, therefore you wrote purposely. Close. Released in 1987, The Princess Bride is about Westley’s, a farmhand, […] I work with people who sell houses for a living, but most don’t know what their profession is; they call themselves “Real-a-tors”! Conversate makes you look ridiculous. 1. Here’s some more-authoritative information about “hopefully” and its changing usage from genuine language geeks (professional ones at that): From: (or whatever it is) It used to be used that way in English, i.e. It drives me nuts. It's a hyperbole. And for good reason. Another frequently mis-used word Cheers for The Princess Bride ! So many of you have reminded me of even more ways that English can be used and abused. Perhaps this distinction was easier to remember in the days when we used the word “mankind”. I think that with “principal/principle” unless you mean a rule to follow it is always spelled “principal.”. My roommate does this all the time. Good point on truly. Here’s another mistake that I just saw today. We have curated some of the best Princess Bride quotes you can find, so you can relive the magic of the cult classic. Thanks. From that you decided that I’d “come down on the side of rejecting language changes that occurred many years ago?”. http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html, Dictionary publishers probably got sick of people writing in and saying “hey, you forgot to include the word ‘irregardless. For example, John will go to the party with you and I. Inigo Montoya's "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. Split infinitives being against the rules in English returns to Latin, in which language you cannot generally split infinitives – they’re one word. But I will applaud ANY article that educates people on the difference between “insure” and “ensure.” That one drives me INSANE. No, Jean, ‘common usage’ is not the same as ‘poor grammar’. This should be caught by all spell checkers, but…it’s not — probably people don’t use that function, or don’t know what the red line under the word means , supersede (correct) What’s wrong with “Disorented?”. Why grammar is such a hot button may deserve a post of its own. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. The comments are almost as entertaining as the post. See http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/d.html, Also, most grammarians today find the practice acceptable. I think language and grammar should evolve with their people, not shove writers in a small, ridiculous box. Nice. My other peeve, after “very unique” and the misuse of lay rather than lie, is the common misspelling of judgment as judgement (two e’s is incorrect). Now it makes me cry. I am thinking of going on a grammar correction crusade – how can you leave off it’s (the contraction of it is) and its (the possesive form of it); and the correct use of “effect” as in cause and effect, or a result , or to cause a result (and this gets tricky because it is a verb, as in to effect a change); and “affect” which is something you do to someone or something. To say something is truly unique is to distinguish that the subject has nothing else even vaguely similar to it. The constant study should be an everyday thing, obviously. o_o. Another irritation! Thanks for a terrific list AND the explanations of them. I liked the post all the more because of the tie in and plug for this great film. One of my grade school teachers liked to use this sentence to help her students remember the difference: “Chickens lay eggs.” The direct subject is chickens, the transtive verb is lay, and the direct object is eggs. Actually, as long as irregardless is in my dictionary, it is in fact, a word. Moxx (#278), despite their unfortunate name, prepositions should be placed where they fit best in the sentence, in terms of rhetoric and style. If you can say “it is” and have the sentence make sense, then the proper form is “it’s.” Ugh. Think I’ll introduce the conversation by saying, “My name is Sonia Simone. I’ll start us off. Many grammar books now prefer who as the object. I do not believe correct usage is quite as important as being understood, because when it all comes down to it, language is used for communication. Hopefully we have reached that point. 4. Everyone should read this article, I see such words being misused all the time! But I can utilize my shoe to pound a nail. “Take your business further by reading Copyblogger.”. (warning… grumpy old man mode engaged! 2. Very useful blog post to refresh on grammatical errors. Thank you for writing this post! That’s why I do only one grammar post a year…. Different than vs different from. Here are two more words that get mixed up sometimes: pore & pour. I loved how “The West Wing” handled it a few years ago. Miles, you’ve used the word “hopefully” incorrectly in your comment. By the way, I would have loved to see effect/affect on your list. Ending sentences with prepositions: “Whom are you going to write about?” is correctly restated, “About whom are you going to write?”, 2. Glad someone else is as anal as I am about this stuff. So speaker-oriented hopefully is a GOOD thing, and it’s no surprise that it’s spread so fast. Some of the best parts never made it to the movie (can you say Zoo of Death). The candy the hotel leaves at turn-down service is what? Ensure means to guarantee, and that’s most often what you’re trying to say, right? Do you have a blog entry on the complete and utter misuse of the word ironic? This word is used incorrectly so much (including by me), it may be too late. A search for the word “unstability” returns many occurances of this word in technical papers from surprising sources. Now if I can just stop saying “gooder” …, I’ve posted a few Comments on this site, enjoy receiving auto-updates of new Comments, and recommend this list to everyone I know. I’m with Nick way up above: enormity vs. enormousness. I am prone to announcing that things are ‘inconceivable!’ and own a Dread Pirate Roberts t-shirt. Billy Crystal as Miracle Max and Carol Kane as Valerie. See more ideas about princess bride, princess bride quotes, good movies. The Princess Bride. Well, Brian, you might have fewer people like me come along and point out the living, evolving nature of English if you approached these posts a little differently. Here are a couple of things that drive me crazy: When someone says that something is a “true fact.” If it is a “fact,” it is true period. I actually heard someone the other day say “Whenever I got married…”. OK, I’m going back to re-reading The Silent Gondoliers. Princess Bride all the way. Awesome stuff!! The old school rule is you only use hopefully if you’re describing …, More precise: “…. Nan, you only use “hopefully” if you’re describing the way someone spoke, appeared, or acted. . Here’s an excerpt on affect/effect: These verbs are not synonyms requiring differentiation, but words of totally different meaning, none of which can ever be substituted for the other. So, Princess Bride was telling people to wear their mask before it was cool. nothing! I can honestly admit I considered doing so! Can someone explain the correct usages of lay vs. lie as they pertain to physical objects? I hear people say “heighth” instead of height. I would just be “tickled pink” if you would include these basic rules of English in your website, since I’m obviously too lazy to have one (or too technically challenged). My point is… we all have to have a sense of humor about improper usage, syntax, mechanics, and diction. I have found it to be common in the Texas/Oklahoma area. So easy to get right if you just remove one of the words. I hate that too. worse and worst. How nice to be assured that I am not the only anal-retentive reader out here! Wuve . Add a Quote. You have confirmed that my understanding is correct although I rarely see anybody around me use ‘farther’. “I got it for free.” instead of “I got it free.”. By the way, when I was an English major at Oberlin, Mandy Patinkin (Mr. Montoya himself) was touring colleges with his son, and the two of them sat in on a discussion seminar in my Modern Fiction and Sexual Difference class. In Australia we pronounce this as troff Anybody else ever heard that? A podium is the platform on which you stand. The study of etymology and confusibles should also be incorporated. http://www.mynotetakingnerd.wordpress.com. Once, when I was a child, how the word “moot” was used was moot. It wasn’t valued. If you google “inconceivable,” you get the IMDB entry for “The Princess Bride.”. e.g. And I know all about straw men… we ex-lawyers are trained in them. 2) It was way too smart, refusing to use common usage (and often stumbling into even greater grammatical errors!) Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Now that reminds me, I apologise in advance to my American friends, but the lazy trend to to add “ize” everything! “Truth is, whom just doesn’t sound right in many ‘situations’ …”. Emma Gordon, in whothe lap you’re a lying at prethent, would be a mother to you, and Joth’phine would be a thithter to you. As I understand it, ‘circumstance’ is conditional. LOL My grandmother was a poet and former English teacher, and my mother and I are completely anal with spelling and grammar because of her teachings. Whom just sounds wrong when it’s right. This is my new favorite post. I’m always the one who corrects people’s grammar (though not as often as I used to; I find people don’t always like being corrected…(o:). After their session, she came over to me and said she was sad because the woman was inconceivable. It is really a laziness of expression of our thoughts: we are in such a hurry to say something that we substitute simpler words in grammatically incorrect contexts. . Saying something is very unique is wack. It was Fezzig (played by Andre the Giant). Odds are, you’re employing hyperbole (deliberate exaggeration which is a literal untruth), which renders your harping on the literal meaning of “literally” a moot point. It’s afterward. (|_|*cheers*|_|) To infer is to come to a conclusion based on information (you’re interpreting a message). I come from a family of compulsive proofreaders. GAH!! Pet peeve when a writer is referring to a previous name (formerly), as opposed to their formal title. You actually had me questioning whether I know the proper usage of “straw man” or not. One of my statements was about a company owned by “my husband and me.” She called me and told me she was going to have to get on my case because of my grammar in this sentence. Two pet peeves I see/hear used all the time? For example, in your entry you wrote: ” Whom are you going to write about?”, As it’s a pet peeve of mine, I thought I would inform everyone that the correct syntax would be, “About whom are you going to write?”. I agreed with all your entertaining observations, except one. I call it the “Unnecessary Double IS”. I continue to type along and seem to always add a letter or leave one off when I type “your” and you” and my brain seldom picks up on that while I’m in forward motion. Another word that bothers me is “Flustrated”. (Thank goodness I teach online, eh?). If there are enough language snobs to balance out the language slobs, we may arrive at something in the middle we can live with. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. It has become a staple of our modern language (similar to the word “like”); yet if we analyze the definition of the word and understand that what we’re saying is actually nonsense, i.e., “I am going to acquire …” or “I have obtained to acquire …” etc. If it is, I hope to be long dead before everyone talks that way. thanks for sharing, great!! The plural is incidences. I feel these particular versions are very unique. Thanks Brian, your post revived a memory from my school days when my english teacher asked why I had used whom instead of who in a sentence (he of course was asking for the correct grammatical reason). Groan. Harrison: I heard both of those (nother/flustrated) when I lived in Missouri. . I had a professor in college that would return papers ungraded if anyone wrote “The data on this is clear.” We all knew it was a pet peeve of hers. Changing the shape of the fenders, the composition of the roof, the layout of the lights, the size of the engine and the tint of the windows would make it very unique as it differs from the original in many characteristics. There should be some kind of ranking for these…. And I must add as a comment to the world, our esteemed colleague is absolutely right about the Princess Bride. Oh. I’m amazed by the number of times I’ve heard Pacific and specific mixed up recently. Well, if it’s already unique, then of course, nothing is similar. Can we also address “impact” as a verb? Okay – two more: “jewelry/jewlery”. Incidence refers to a rate of occurrence–e.g., a high incidence of crime. “They sold more than 1,000 tickets.” Can we get people — especially reporters, who should know better — to stop using “to” with “between”? Premier is the first and best in status or importance, or a prime minister. Check Strunk & White re. Hey, I just found your site from the post about this article over at performancing. Although this newer use is now very much the dominant one, it is regarded by some people as incorrect.”, Is it really a straw man for me to characterize your position as rejecting a change that happened many years ago? Perhaps they can be in US or “modern” English but I was taught in England 40 years ago of the correct use of these two words. This post is the gift that keeps on giving, and I’m always delighted to see another comment! I was surprised also to not see affect / effect or a few other homonyms that cause trouble. It’s “complimentary” copy, not complementary. This is in no way an attack on performancing, I rather like that site and now even more that it has lead me to your site, but that’s just wrong. lol. Why are you going “grrr”? “Whence” already means “from where”; we don’t need a duplicate preposition. you keep using that word. Use whom when you are referring to the object of a sentence.”. Princess Bride Movie Inconceivable Quote - Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally. Instead, you can hope that they find a resource like yours somewhere and see the “grammatical light.” . Follow thehunchblog. Brian’s second paragraph apparently was missed by a few people who took issue with the “outrageous” idea of long-standing rules of grammar. I do not think it means what you think it means. But Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya is brilliantly committed and ferocious as Inigo confronts the six-fingered man who slew his dad. Your jeep would be partially unique. I believe this makes Princess Bride a unique case, if not a truly unique case. How about “innerduce” as in when a federal judge says it’s important to innerduce young men to the Boy Scouts? Premiere is the opening night of Star Wars 15: Disney Wants More Money. Anyone have a spell check that connects with my brain and the PC so that my computer knows what I wanted to say and not what I typed? The Princess Bride, Rob Reiner's beloved 1987 film is a modern-day classic, thanks to the fact that nearly every line spoken is a gem.If you're searching for vow inspiration, we rounded up the most romantic The Princess Bride quotes to help inspire you. that dweam within a dweam . You can never go wrong with The Princess Bride! When used as a verb, “damp” means to attenuate, “dampen” means to moisten. I’m a writer, and I still hate grammar-snobs. “Only” is only properly placed after the verb if you subscribe to the “no split infinitives” theory, which many serious grammarians do not. The news readers often use incidences when the should use incidents. There are some real gems in here. (Yes, pun intended.). ), One more definition for ‘principal’ that I don’t think anyone has mentioned —. I LOVE that you used the line from The Princess Bride. And if an American writer chooses to use the “s” I don’t think it’s a crime. “o” as in women '” . I keep using that word, I don’t think it means what I think it means. Regardless, another thing Princess Bride teaches us is that the words aren’t as important as the meaning ultimately conveyed. There’s no in-between. However, as somewhat of a fellow wordsmith – and this is not to “nit-pick” – I would like to add a few more points that highlight common grammar mistakes which have become acceptable in our modern-day language. Works my nerves! OK.. there is a smarter/wrong for hopefully.. but what is the actual rule? I’m a little late to the party here, and agree with some posters that ‘truly unique’ generally displays sloppy writing however, I think I agree with TGN – it’s not necessarily incorrect (though I’m not sure it’s for the same reasons). Fowler has 3 pages on who/whom for instance & it’s available in paperback. This is wandering far afield from Brian’s original post, but my Pennsylvania Dutch [i.e. People who say “myself” instead of “me” or “I” drive me crazy! Ditto, when in doubt I usually just go with effect as it always looks right to most readers haha. My husband and I have just been engaged in a verbal version of this comment thread in which I was argued that, while I have no problem with the language evolving, I do object to what Brian calls “evolution by ignorance” e.g., in the case of “affect” in some dictionaries now having a double meaning, one of which is the definition of “effect” which, there can be no doubt, is an “evolution” on the basis of a spelling mistake. No offense, but I believe the Georgia Yankee has misused the word “significant.” What are the I agree with Holly. Any midwesterners want to weigh in on that? Don’t know if you’re familiar with the article, but Joseph Williams wrote a very interesting piece on the intricacies of usage “errors” back in 1981. I so agree with everyone else there. Hopefully in its second sense is a member of a class of adverbs known as disjuncts. I learned British English in middle school and not sure if that’s where I got it wrong, but I always seem to get them backward. At a later time, subsequently. 2021. I haven’t seen or heard “only” in the right place in a sentence in a looonnng time. Hey – let’s send this middle schools everywhere . The post Inconceivable! Thank you for taking time to compile this.. Should help us all.. That said: “A lot” is correct, but so is “allot”, even though they mean different things. How many ‘eaters’ make up a ‘kilom’? However, my two-fingered typing remains the bigger issue. I wish everyone who ever writes anything would read this. First, congratulations on your engagement, and welcome to Offbeat Bride! How fun! I’ve been watching the comments unfold and I think we should start putting disclaimers on grammar/punctuation posts. What a phantasmagoric mongrel of a language. Odd that it’s mostly the people for whom English is an additional language who get it right . Get into semantics, but I do not have a blog to show up in my writing and.. Heartfelt, perfectly casted movie its second sense is in such common usage is... 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