Med vores unikke og altid opdaterede benchmarks kan du let se dine kunders styrker og svagheder i forhold til konkurrenter og branchen. Petropavlovskaya Borshchagovka Inuiaqatigiinnut akisussaaffeqarneq (CSR), Polar Seafoodip FN-illu piuartitsinerup ineriartornissaata anguniagaa (SDGs), Inuussutissat isumannaassusaat, pitsaassuserlu, Tunisassiat pitsaasut anguniarlugit sulineq, Nunarsuaq tamakkerlugu pissaassutsinut allagartat takussutissaat, General terms and conditions of sale and delivery. Bluhmes Vej 30 Esbjerg DK-6701 Denmark . It forms part of the Polar Seafood Group. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Naajaq Seafood is Polar Seafood's prawn packing facility, and Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is our smoke house processing prime-quality fish using the old traditional Danish “smoking” method. Kontakt os Polar Seafood Foodservice H. E. Bluhmes Vej 30 DK-6701 Esbjerg Tlf. RU-115230 For farmers, wholesalers exporters, local distributors, supermarket chains and processors. No ratings. It forms part of the Polar Seafood Group. Kapitalejerne i. CVR-NR. Din søgning på fiskeindustri fiskeindustri esbjerg gav 9 firmaer og du har nået enden af listen. Tilmeld dig for at oprette forbindelse Polar Seafood Denmark. polar seafood ltd. polar seafood dk. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S jan. 2020 - sep. 2021 1 år 9 måneder. Production Director at Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S South Denmark, Denmark. Find dit nye job på - det er hurtigt og effektivt. Juridisk navn: Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S. Handelsskolen Skive . 2013 - jan. 2020 6 år 7 måneder. Polar Seafood owns a number of processing plants, factory trawlers, fishing boats and wild catch salmon crews, including Herting Salmon and Esbjerg JPS. It forms part of the Polar Seafood Group. No ratings. Aktiviteter og foreninger:På volleyball og track team . Tel: +38(050)443 44 66 POLAR SEAFOOD ITALIA di Steen Wiedemann SAS Viale Rimembranze 45 20020 Lainate (MI), Italy . CVRP-nr: 1002480270. : +45 87 23 50 70 Fax: +45 87 23 50 79 E-mail: E-mail:, Polar Seafood and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), General terms and conditions of sale and delivery. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. Events / Associations Seafood Expo Global. GL-3962 Upernavik, Polar Seafood Ukraine Polar Seafrozen AS headoffice is located in Fosnavåg, south of Ålesund, with one branch office located in Esbjerg, Denmark. In 1992 Naajaq Seafood joined the Polar Group and today is a state of the art factory producing a wide range of frozen and brined seafood products as well as convenience food. Ulla Spangsberg is on Facebook. Polar Seafood's phone number is +45 87 23 50 70 Free and open company data on Denmark company POLAR SEAFOOD RETAIL & FOODSERVICEA/S (company number 26868270), H E Bluhmes Vej 30, Esbjerg, 6700 Today, Polar Seafood is one of the top seafood exporters in Scandinavia and the largest privately owned company in Greenland. wholesalers, caterers and retail customers. Polar Seafood's own modern trawler fleet. IFS MSC ASC Koscher Polar Seafood - Tunisassiassat immameersut silarsuaat. Nordic-Olga Voeykova-Rus head of purchasing department at NORDIC SEAFOOD RUS LLC St Petersburg. Our import database is updated daily and features hundreds of millions of shipment records dating back to 2008. From snow crab production at Polar Raajat in Aasiaat. Skagerak Pelagic A/S, Skagen 4585 Coastervej 1, 9990 Skagen F, P 11. . Polar Seafood koncernen er med egne kvoter, fiskerflåde og fabrikker en af Skandinaviens største leverandører af seafood og har mere end 35 års erfaring i fiskeri og forædling af fisk og skaldyr. Røget laks - et håndværk med traditioner. CVR-NR. With its head office in Nuuk Greenland, Polar Seafood is the largest. From the beginning we have focused upon high quality. Polar Seafood Greenland A/S was established in 1984 as the sales and marketing company for a number of independently owned Greenlandic prawn trawlers. Moscow 30 6700 EsbjergVis ruteplan. Polar Seafood blev etableret i 1984 som et salgs- og marketingselskab for en række selvstændige grønlandske rejetrawlere. CVR-NR. Categories: Shellfish, Value-Added Seafood, Prawns, Shellfish, Shrimp, Shrimp-Cold Water, Shrimp-Warm Water, Seafood-Canned, Surimi Location & Contact Information: H.E. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S Prawn processing factory H. E. Bluhmes Vej 30 DK-6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 13 88 55 Fax +45 75 12 18 19 Email: POLAR SEAFOOD FOODSERVICE A/S Seafood til det profesionelle køkken. Vil du gerne have din virksomheds logo . The wide range of frozen and brined seafood products include shrimps, crayfish tails and surimi. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well established quality brands. (BRC = Tuluit Nunaanni pisinianut nioqquteqartartut ingerlatseqatigiiffii) Supplier of: Fish To page. It has a possibility. In Vester Hassing (top picture), only a few kilometres from the Vodskov-based sales office, Polar Seafood has established its own ultra-modern cold store with a holding capacity of 8,500 pallets. Email:, Polar Seafood Russia Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S E-mail: Steen ha indicato 7 esperienze lavorative sul suo profilo. Polar Seafood Esbjerg. +45 75 12 46 77 Er POLAR SEAFOOD DENMARK A/S din virksomhed? H. E. Bluhmes Vej 30 Postbox 289 DK-6700 Esbjerg Tel. Tel: +45 75 12 46 77 Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S, Esbjerg, Denmark. DK-6700 Esbjerg . Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S of Esbjerg, Syddanmark. Polar Seafood Greenland A/S 1984-imi pilersinneqarpoq Kalaallit Nunaanni kilisaasersorlutik raajarniartut namminersortut arlallit tuniniaassuttarlugit aammalu tunisivissarsiuuttarlugit. MSC Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks. Polar Seafood koncernen er med egne kvoter, fiskerflåde og fabrikker en af Skandinaviens største leverandører af seafood og har mere end 35 års erfaring i fiskeri og forædling af fisk og skaldyr. Polar Seafood Denmark A/S (Naajaq Seafood) 4135 H.E. 75 13 88. Sales office It forms part of the Polar Seafood Group. Packing of cooked frozen prawns and warm water prawns in laminated plastic bags. About us. DELFI A/S DENMARK - Loegstrup. . Baldrianvej 2 InterFishMarket® is the powerful and flexible digital solution dedicated to the fishing market. . Telephone . 1745972 Audit site address: H.E Bluhmes Vej 30, 6701 Esbjerg, Denmark For the scope of activities: Thawing and packing of cooked prawns, Surimi, crab tails and other seafood products in brine in plastic tubs or MAP packed. Contact. Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? We are experts in frozen seafood! Our Danish factories, Polar Seafood Esbjerg and Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks are both located in Esbjerg. Tel: +45 30 36 30 99 Modified by the user on 15/06/2021. dag. Supplier of: Fish, . Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands. Production Director at Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S South Denmark, Denmark. Cold-water prawns, Greenland halibut, redfish, cod etc. Scandinaviami suliareqqiisartunut, niuertunut, neriniartarfinnut pisiniarfinnullu Polar . Navn POLAR SEAFOOD DENMARK A/S; CVR 11369677; Binavne DIAMOND LAKS A/S NAAJAQ SEAFOOD A/S NUKA PESCA A/S POLAR SEAFOOD A/S POLAR SEAFOOD ESBJERG A/S; Adresse Baldrianvej 2, 9310 Vodskov; Kommune Aalborg Kommune; Branche Engroshandel med fisk og fiskeprodukter . piumasaqaatinik malinnilluarput. 1988 - 1989. Liselotte Engelbrecht Nielsen QC Manager Nordic Seafood North Jutland, Denmark. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. Maritime Vessels Directory . Apeqqutissaqaruit imaluunniit annertunerusumik paasisaqarusukkuit tunuarsimaarnak sianerfigisinnaavatsigut e-mailikkulluunniit allaffigisinnaalluta. Terms and conditions. 11369677 POLAR SEAFOOD DENMARK A/S. Læs omkring POLAR SEAFOOD DENMARK A/S startet i 1987, Baldrianvej Vodskov. It is a part of the Polar Seafood Group. Ullumikkut Polar Seafood Skandinaviami aalisakkanik qalerualinnillu avammut tunisassiortut annersaasa ilagaat aammalu Kalaallit Nunaanni suliffeqarfiit namminersortut annersaralugu. seafood products in brine in plastic tubs or MAP packed. Today, Polar Seafood is one of the top seafood exporters in Scandinavia and the largest privately owned company in Greenland. Please see our webpage for further information With its head office in Nuuk Greenland, Polar Seafood is the largest H. E. Bluhmes Vej 18 paul jeffers Independant consultant Nordic Seafood uk limited . Kyiv region, 08130 : 1015455620 c/o adresse: H E Bluhmes Vej 30, 6700 Esbjerg, DK Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S P-nr. Our coldwater prawns are caught in the icy waters off the Greenland coasts and are carefully processed at Polar Group owned factories located on the West coast of Greenland. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S BRC site code no. Packing of cooked frozen prawns and warm water prawns in laminated plastic bags. Combined they have the world's largest production of cooked and peeled cold-water prawns. is a jobs circular archive site. are caught by Seafood Line A/S is a branch of two Danish companies - Ocean Seafood A/S and Arti Seafood A/S. Foodservice delen blev opkøbt i 2008, som et led i Polar Seafood koncernens vækststrategi, hvor ønsket også var at levere kvalitetsfisk og -skaldyr til det danske foodservice-marked. Gunnar Lund Olieservice A/S is geleë op Olievej 10, 6700 Esbjerg Municipality, Denmark, naby hierdie plek is: Kosan Gas a/s (fyldestation) (109 m), Segall Frank (146 m), Polar Omega A/S (149 m), Furuno Danmark A/S (164 meter), Royal Seafood, Filial af Royal Seafood Ab, Sverige (166 m). . Our Danish factories, Polar Seafood Esbjerg and Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks are both located in Esbjerg. privately owned fishing company operating in Greenland. 1 Polar Seafood koncernen er med egne kvoter, fiskerflåde og fabrikker en af Skandinaviens største leverandører af seafood og har mere end 35 års erfaring i fiskeri og forædling af fisk og skaldyr. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands. Russian Federation Hot- and cold-smoked salmon, greenland halibut, trout and mackerel. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S søger Lager- og logistikmedarbejder. Ørskov christensens staalskibsværft a/s • 1017 - 4949 • (1-20 of 24) clear Polar Seafood Employee Directory. : +45 87 23 50 70 Fax: +45 87 23 50 79 Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S Prawn processing factory (cooked and peeled) H. E. Bluhmes Vej 30 DK-6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 13 88 55 Email: Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. Email: Polar Salmon A/S was founded in 1985 and is part of the Polar Seafood Group. polar seafood denmark a/s Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. Polar Raajat A/S We offer a wide range of products for global customers from Norwegian and Faroese vessels. Aalisakkanik qalerualinnillu tunisassianik, nungusaataanngitsumik pisanik assigiinngitsorpassuarnik Butikslagter søges at MESTERSLAGTEREN BJERRINGBRO ApS. Se Nielsens CVR-oplysninger. Kontakt os Polar Seafood Foodservice H. E. Bluhmes Vej 30 DK-6701 Esbjerg Tlf. Massimo Bellini (Italian) +39 335 6938233 . Polar Seafood Greenland A/S was established in 1984 as the sales and marketing company for a number of independently owned Greenlandic prawn trawlers. The Polar Seafood Group owns several modern factories for packing and processing cooked and peeled cold-water prawns, snow crabs, king crabs and various species of fish. Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands. Polar Seafood Denmark A/S is located in Vodskov, Nordjylland, Denmark and is part of the Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers Industry; Polar Seafood Denmark A/S has 150 employees at this location and generates $478.41 million in sales (USD) Warshavskoe Shosse, bld. At these plants we buy, pack and distribute our fresh fish and king crabs. privately owned fishing company operating in Greenland. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S Smokehouse H. E. Bluhmes Vej 18 DK-6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. DK-6701 Esbjerg . Hvis du indsætter et link til denne side, der hvor du skriver din virksomheds cvr-nummer på din hjemmeside, vil vi kvittere med en komplet liste af alle virksomhederne i branchen Engroshandel med fisk og fiskeprodukter.. Henvend dig på hvis du vil høre mere, eller hvis du allerede har . : +45 87 23 50 70 Fax: +45 87 23 50 79 E-mail: BRC MSC ASC Polar Seafood Norway. This is a strategic location close to the rich fishing grounds in the Barents Sea. Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S : 1018831089 c/o adresse: Vagervej 9, 6700 Esbjerg, DK ESBJERG SEAFOOD APS DENMARK - Esbjerg. Polar Seafood Email:, Polar Seafood Upernavik A/S Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands. Send an email Website . Polar Seafood Esbjerg A/S. Virksomhed: POLAR SEAFOOD DENMARK A/S. About us. Region Syddanmark, Sydjylland, Danmark Bogholderiassistent Naajaq Seafood Esbjerg A/S jul. Sales office Liselotte Engelbrecht Nielsen QC Manager Nordic Seafood North Jutland, Denmark. We will subsequently publish these details for all of our food high-priority supply chains by the end of 2022. Polar Seafood, Nuummi qullersaqarfeqartoq, Kalaallit Nunaanni aalisakkanik tunisassiorfiit namminersortut annersaraat. We offer a wide range of products for global customers from Norwegian and Faroese vessels. 26868270 POLAR SEAFOOD RETAIL & FOODSERVICE A/S. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a strong supplier of smoked, chilled and frozen products. Polar Seafood blev etableret i 1984 som et salgs- og marketingselskab for en række selvstændige grønlandske rejetrawlere. Our processing factories in Greenland and Denmark are Higher Level BRC. Phone: +45 98 29 44 22 Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks is a part of the Polar Seafood Group. Email:, Sales office CVR-nr: 11369677. Scandinaviami suliareqqiisartunut, niuertunut, neriniartarfinnut pisiniarfinnullu Polar Seafood pilersuivoq. Our team have long experience within the fishing industry. Mittarfiup Aqquserna B-1851 Combined they have the world's largest production of cooked and peeled cold-water prawns. Our main products are: A-cod . NACE-branche: 102020 Forarbejdning og konservering af fisk, krebsdyr og bløddyr, undtagen fiskemel, 463810 Engroshandel med fisk og fiskeprodukter. polar seafood. Polar Seafood Foodservice er en del af Polar Seafood koncernen. In 2016, Anders Jonas Brøns was on newspaper Berlingske's list of Denmark's richest people. Esbjerg området, Danmark Økonomiassistent Vega Salmon A/S . H E Bluhmes Vej 30 6700 Esbjerg Syddanmark - Denmark Display phone. Our main products are: A-cod . Pierce High School, USA 12 grade. paul jeffers Independant consultant Nordic Seafood uk limited . På havnen i Esbjerg er det røgemesterens erfaring, der afgør, hvor mange timer laksen skal ryges - afhængig af vejr og vind. Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S was established in 2016 following the merger between Hjerting Laks and Polar Salmon, thus bringing together the very best attributes of two well-established quality brands.
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