Staphylococcus è un genere di batteri Gram-positivi batteri della famiglia Staphylococcaceae dall'ordine Bacillales.Al microscopio, appaiono sferici e si formano in grappoli simili ad acini d' uva. Findes i urogenitalområdet og kan give ukomplicerede urinvejsinfektioner, især hos yngre kvinder. Det var en oprindeligt BBC-dokumentar om emnet, hvor Michael Mosley brugte sig selv som prøveklud, der satte han pÃ¥ sporet af 5:2 princippet, hvor man ikke bare kan faste sig fra symptomer som diabetes 2 og for højt kolesterol, men ogsÃ¥ ... Perl TM, Rhomberg PR, Bale MJ, Fuchs PC, Jones RN, Koontz FP, Pfaller MA 1994. J Clin Microbiol. In recent years, imaging modalities have also shown to be effective in diagnosing infections, namely through the combined use of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) with positron emission tomography (PET) [38,39]. A bacterial culture is then performed in which CNS can be detected; however, CNS detection alone may not be sufficient to determine clinical significance. Evaluation of disc diffusion tests and agar screening for predicting mecA-mediated oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus lugdunensis revealed a cefoxitin-susceptible, mecA-positive S. lugdunensis clonal complex 27 clone. 2021 Apr 14;9(4):830. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9040830. Other studies have consistently shown S. lugdunensis to represent under 3% of CNS in human samples [19]. Cureus 12(6): e8801. Furthermore, though possessing a wide array of antibiotic susceptibilities due to low genetic diversity, S. lugdunensis has an evolving resistance that must be highlighted. Int J Syst Bacteriol, 38 (1988), pp. 2007 Jul-Aug;70(4):667-75. doi: 10.1590/s0004-27492007000400018. These infections were more prevalent in males, and the majority of infected patients were middle-aged with a history of comorbidity [9]. In a study of the largest cohort of its kind, Shah et al. Il tire son nom de la ville de Lyon où la première souche humaine a été isolée. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a species of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) that induces a variety of infectious diseases, including skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI), infective endocarditis (IE), and bone and PJI. The number of Staph. J Clin Microbiol. Lastly, more studies are required to shed some light on the role of this unique organism in causing UTIs, respiratory infections, peritonitis, and bacteremia. Staphylococcus es una palabra latina de origen griego que resulta de la unión de staphylé (ÏÏαÏÏ Î»Î®, «racimo de uvas») y kókkos (κÏκκοÏ, «grano»). Specifically I investigated the role of the cell-wall anchored protein IsdC in Staphylococcus lugdunensis biofilm formation. What does staphylococcus haemolyticus mean? found that S. lugdunensis IE predominantly affected the left side of the heart and formed vegetations demonstrable on echocardiography [9]. Furthermore, MALDI-TOF MS can reliably identify S. lugdunensis directly from blood cultures [16]. Patients treated with parenteral β-lactams are also more likely to be free of treatment failure at a two-year interval than those who received parenteral vancomycin [6]. Bone and joint infections caused by S. lugdunensis are also more invasive than infections by other species of CNS. S. lugdunensis is not an uncommon cause of infection. Though the most common of these are skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), S. lugdunensis has also been shown to infrequently cause bone, joint space, and prosthetic joint infections (PJIs); aggressive valvular endocarditis with significant mortality rates; urinary tract infections; and peritonitis [1,4-15]. S. lugdunensis physiological colonization is estimated to be present in 30% to 50% of patients, mostly in the inguinal area with a substantial presence in the axilla and nares as well [16]. Infrequently, S. lugdunensis manifests as an aggressive form of IE presenting with valve destruction and abscess formation. SSTIs account for the majority of S. lugdunensis infections, with Bocher et al., as described above, having identified an incidence of 53 per 100,000 per year, representing an increase from earlier pilot studies [1,4,23]. Scholarly Impact Quotient™ (SIQ™) is our unique post-publication peer review rating process. We describe the clinical features of five individuals with S. lugdunensis-associated skin infections. Staphylococcus lugdunensis sp. Staphylococcus schleiferi er en gram-positiv, kokkeformet bakterie av familien Staphylococcaceae.Den er fakultativt anaerob, koagulase-variabel, og kan lett dyrkes på blodagar der bakterien har en tendens til å danne ugjennomsiktige, ikke -pigmenterte kolonier og beta (β) hemolyse.Det finnes to underarter under arten S. schleiferi: Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. doi: 10.1099/00207713-38-2-168. Staph saprophyticus . Peer review began: June 18, 2020 Most (73%) infections were located below the waist, while those above the 2016 Dec;49(6):885-891. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2014.11.018. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) with unusual pathogenicity resembling that of S. aureus. S. lugdunensis isolated in Sweden were susceptible to most tested antibiotics. This difficulty arises from the possibility that a CNS-positive culture may result from contamination of the specimen or colonization of skin or mucous membranes rather than a clinically relevant infection [17]. All five patients presented without any other constitutional symptoms. Staphylococcus schleiferi este un gram-pozitiv, în formÄ de coci bacterie din familia Staphylococcaceae.Este facultativ anaerob, coagulazÄ-variabilÄ Èi poate fi uÈor cultivatÄ pe agar de sânge, unde bacteria tinde sÄ formeze colonii opace, nepigmentate Èi hemolizÄ beta (β).ExistÄ douÄ subspecii sub specia S. schleiferi: Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. Ho PL, Liu MC, Tong MK, Fan PM, Tse CW, Wu AK, Cheng VC, Chow KH. Staphylokokken bewegen sich nicht aktiv und bilden keine Sporen.Die Größe liegt üblicherweise zwischen 0,8 und 1,2 µm. The need for surgery is much higher than that of S. aureus IE (70% vs. 37%) and comparable to that of S. epidermidis IE - though with significantly higher mortality rates [9,27]. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) with a significant pathogenic potential compared with other CoNS. Staphylococcus aureus: Læs mere om symptomer, diagnose, behandling, komplikationer, årsager og prognose. Staphylococcus saprophyticus Indgår i gruppen af koagulasenegative stafylokokker. Molecular and Medical Biology; Department of Science and Environment; Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions Previous literature highlights some of the important aspects of this organism - particularly its predilection for SSTIs, aggressive clinical course, a possible relationship with immunosuppression/comorbidity, and a wide spectrum of antibiotic susceptibilities. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a species of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) that induces a variety of infectious diseases, including skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI), infective endocarditis (IE), and bone and PJI. This relation to underlying urogenital anomalies is well documented in other literature as well, though its role cannot be established without case-control studies [3,4,28,29]. Endocarditis due to Staphylococcus lugdunensis-a retrospective national registry-based study. SIQ™ assesses article importance and quality by embracing the collective intelligence of the Cureus community-at-large. solo superado por E. coli como causa de infección urinaria en mujeres jóvenes sexualmente activas., Staph lugdunensis . This species forms cream-white to slightly yellow colonies is oxidase-negative and is not novobiocin-resistant [17]. Bethesda, MD 20894, Help Staphylococcus aureus och β-streptokocker är de vanligaste primärpatogenerna vid sårinfektioner, vilka i vissa fall kan behöva behandlas specifikt med antibiotika. 2021 May;40(5):1103-1106. doi: 10.1007/s10096-020-04134-w. Epub 2020 Dec 30. Evidently, MALDI-TOF MS has established itself as a prime tool for identifying CNS at the species level and is therefore invaluable for the diagnosis of S. lugdunensis infection. È anaerobio facoltativo, coagulasi-variabile e può essere facilmente coltivato su agar sangue dove il batterio tende a formare colonie opache, non pigmentate ed emolisi beta (β).Esistono due sottospecie sotto la specie S. schleiferi: Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. Staph haemolyticus . Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) with unusual pathogenicity resembling that of S. aureus. S. epidermidis og S. saprophyticus er ubevægelige Gram-positive (0,5 -1,5 μm) kokker, lejret i hobe, ligesom S. aureus. The resistance to penicillin varies widely (range, 15-87% worldwide), whereas methicillin resistance is still rare. Staphylococcus lugdunensis, which has been reported in cases of native valve endocarditis, wound infection and abscess, and infection of intravascular catheters and other medical devices. Clin Microbiol Infect. β-lactams are preferred over vancomycin due to their more rapid bactericidal action and better penetration into bone, and display fewer adverse effects, such as hypotension and red man syndrome, compared to vancomycin [30-32]. Anotace: Tato práce je zamÄÅená na charakteristiku jednoho z koaguláza negativních stafylokoků. Even though S. lugdunensis is highly susceptible to a myriad of antibiotic therapies, S. lugdunensis is more aggressive than other CNS as S. lugdunensis carries a high mortality rate in endocarditis patients [16]. The SIQ for this article will be revealed, staphylococcus lugdunensis, coagulase-negative staphylococci, infective endocarditis, bone infection, prosthetic joint infection, skin and soft tissue infection, pet, Shridhar Parthasarathy , Shrey Shah, Avinaash Raja Sager, Anvitha Rangan, Satya Durugu, Cite this article as: Staphylococcus lugdunensis â um patógeno incomum com potencial agressor Por Kátia Regina Netto dos Santos Staphylococcus lugdunensis é uma espécie de Staphylococcus coagulase-negativa (SCN) raramente isolada de infecções humanas, porém pode apresentar um potencial agressor, similar ao de S. aureus, pela presença de fatores de virulência em comum. Den franske krigsflyver og forfatter, der forsvandt pÃ¥ en rekognosceringsflyvning medio 1944, har skrevet dette eventyr om barnet i os selv. Jubilæumsudgave med særskilt forord i oversættelse af Else Henneberg Pedersen. Cree sus propios mapas mentales de colaboración de forma gratuita en In one case, routine use of this technique coincided with a notable uptick in diagnosed S. lugdunensis urinary tract infections [37]. Additionally, S. lugdunensis and S. aureus have the same breakpoints: susceptible isolates have MICs of ≤2 µg/ml, while resistant isolates have MICs ≥4 µg/ml. Culture of the ipsilateral iliopsoas bursa revealed a Staphylococcus lugdunensis infection, which was successfully eradicated through irrigation and debridement as well as antibiotics FDG is a tracer which, like glucose, is uptaken in greater quantities by cells displaying higher metabolic activity. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, Zone diameters in millimeters (x-axis) for all antimicrobial agents tested against 540, Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/L) values for penicillin G and oxacillin in the 403 penicillin G–susceptible isolates among all 540. S. lugdunensis, like other CNS, is able to produce a biofilm that makes infections become significantly more difficult to treat even with the high susceptibility of S. lugdunensis to most antibiotic treatments [1]. Almost all patients require incision and drainage along with antibiotic therapy; and the rare few requiring only monotherapy are those with superficial infections [1,5]. The incidence of S. lugdunensis SSTIs is estimated to be 53 per 100,000 per year [1]. In a literature review ranging from 1988 to 2008 with a total of 67 documented cases, Liu et al. Another rising trend is the involvement of S. lugdunensis in orthopedic diseases. The Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute (CLSI) has recommended that S. lugdunensis isolates should be screened for the penicillin-binding protein 2A by latex agglutination or the mecA gene by PCR, both of which confer resistance to oxacillin and other β-lactams [46]. To danske bachelorprojekter undersøgte om rørpost-systemet påvirker funktionelle hæmostase-analyser, sammenlignet med manuel transport. In contrast to other CNS infections, which tend to be acquired at the hospital and to affect prosthetic valves and indwelling devices, S. lugdunensis mainly affects native heart valves and is more likely to be acquired through the community without an identifiable source of infection [9,26]. 2020 Mar;20:260-265. doi: 10.1016/j.jgar.2019.08.021. Kontrollér oversættelser for 'staphylococcus' til engelsk. Sprog Foreslåede sprog Dansk da. A total of 499 CoNS isolates were detected in 477 blood cultures from 340 patients and speciated as Staphylococcus epidermidis, 285; Staphylococcus hominis, 61; Staphylococcus haemolyticus, 43; Staphylococcus warneri, 12; Staphylococcus cohnii, 7; Staphylococcus saprophyticus, 4; Staphylococcus capitis, 2 and Staphylococcus lugdunensis, 1. In the case of aggressive IE or bone/joint infection by S. lugdunensis, it is recommended to treat with a β-lactam agent. A noteworthy exception is in the case of spondylodiscitis and vertebral osteomyelitis, where successful resolution may be achieved without surgery [7]. Om COVID-19 Stillinger Presse Stipendium Vilkår Fortrolighed Logo Medical Device Sprog Sprog Foreslåede sprog ... Dansk. Staphylococcus kan orsaka en mängd olika sjukdomar hos människor och djur genom antingen toxintillverkning eller penetration. Breakpoints for fosfomycin have not yet been defined, and so no conclusions could be drawn. The tube coagulation test, which is more specific to free coagulase, is a traditional and more reliable method for CNS detection, but it is limited by long incubation time. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. Staphylococcus lugdunensis: Review of Epidemiology, Complications, and Treatment. Unfortunately, little is known about the diversity, virulence, and population structure of S. lugdunensis. Kenmerken. Surgery is the only independent risk factor for mortality [9]. This review article underscores the important points in the literature about S. lugdunensis infections, including its epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as specific types of infections it can cause. First described in 1988 [], it is part of the normal skin flora and is most commonly found in the groin area, lower extremities, and axilla [2, 3], that is, in areas possessing excess apocrine sweat glands []. (June 24, 2020) Staphylococcus lugdunensis: Review of Epidemiology, Complications, and Treatment. Unlike other CoNS, S. lugdunensis remains susceptible to most antibiotics. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work. In PJIs, the knee joint is more frequently affected than the hip joint [6]. Curiosamente, también suele ser sensible a la meticilina. and Liu et al. Det er ellers noget af et problem at komme af med MRSA-bakterierne. Staphylococcus lugdunensis sp. Kaldes også hvide stafylokokker og de udskiller ikke koagulase. Oliveira AD, d'Azevedo PA, de Sousa LB, Viana-Niero C, Francisco W, Lottenberg C, Martino MD, Höfling-Lima AL. However, previous literature indicates the development of resistance to streptomycin, erythromycin, ceftazidime, and gentamicin through isolated case reports [16,34]. The majority of patients with bone/joint space infections and PJI require surgical intervention along with parenteral antibiotic therapy [6,7]. Careers. Discover more posts about Staphylococcus-lugdunensis. Meaning of staphylococcus haemolyticus. -, van der Mee-Marquet N, Achard A, Mereghetti L et al. è¦ç´ï¼Staphylococcus lugdunensisï¼S. Parthasarathy S, Shah S, Raja Sager A, et al. Zone diameters in millimeters (x-axis) for all antimicrobial agents tested against 540 Staphylococcus…, Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/L) values…, Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/L) values for penicillin G and oxacillin in the 403…, MeSH Introducción. These infections may differ greatly from other CNS infections in clinical presentation and treatment options; hence, an understanding of specific features of S. lugdunensis infection has particular clinical value. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci with the potential to cause clinically signiï¬cant infections. Genul Staphylococcus cuprinde aproximativ 27 de specii de stafilococi, dintre care cele mai des asociate cu infecÈii umane sunt, în ordinea frecvenÈei: Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus Èi Staphylococcus schleiferi. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Bookshelf The significant differences in presentation and management of infections by S. lugdunensis compared to other staphylococcal infections necessitate species-level differentiation of these organisms, a process which has recently become much more efficient, reliable, and routine due to the implementation of MALDI-TOF MS in clinical laboratories. Több mint 45 koaguláz-negatív staphylococcus (CoNS) elismert faj létezik. This link will take you to a third party website that is not affiliated with Cureus, Inc. νικά ... Staphylococcus lugdunensis; Staphylococcus saprophyticus; Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 14h38min de 2 de abril de 2013. Osmon DR, Sampathkumar P, Cockerill FR 2000. Van der Mee-Marquet N, Achard A, Mereghetti L, Danton A, Minier M, Quentin R: Douiri N, Hansmann Y, Lefebvre N, et al. ø¯ê{t]UTë(`Í +À&ÀNÈ>²=ÏäÛ6û9¦â%S. Of the 540 clinical isolates tested, 74.6% were susceptible to penicillin G. Among these penicillin-susceptible isolates, the MIC50 and MIC90 values for penicillin G were threefold lower than that for oxacillin. doi:10.7759/cureus.8801, Received by Cureus: June 08, 2020 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. función. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. Staphylococcus lugdunensis has emerged as an important pathogen implicated in both community-acquired and nosocomial infections. Terms of Use. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01024-08. See this image and copyright information in PMC. Though historically, this depended upon biochemical tests that were neither routine nor reliable, the implementation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in clinical laboratories has made identification of CNS species such as S. lugdunensis more practical. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Antibiotic therapy alone is usually not sufficient and patients often require surgical interventions with valve replacement. Staphylococcus lugdunensis: a Skin Commensal with Invasive Pathogenic Potential Clin Microbiol Rev . For example, S. lugdunensis is also commonly isolated as a part of a mixed flora [14]. Koagulase-negative Staphylokokken (CoNS), Mitglieder der Staphylokokkengruppe, sind als grampositive Kokken gekennzeichnet, die als einzelne Zellen oder mit unregelmäßiger Disposition dargestellt werden und unbeweglich sind, nicht sporenbildende, Katalase-negative Staphylokokken.-positive, meist fakultative Anaerobier und fehlt das Enzym Koagulase.,1 ⦠Additionally, Kleiner et al. Over the past decade, the increasing implementation of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in laboratories has resulted in simpler, faster, more cost-effective, and increasingly accurate S. lugdunensis identification. Inhalt 1 Geschichte Introduction: Staphylococcus lugdunensis (S. lugdunensis) is a coagulase-negative, Gram-positive bacterium that can be isolated as a component of normal skin flora in humans. Comparison of identification systems for Staphylococcus epidermidis and other coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species. Its occurrence warrants our further attention due to its significant virulence and a broad range of pathology. Staphylococcus lugdunensis är en stafylokockbakterie som beskrevs första gången 1988 och som ingår i människans normala bakterieflora på hud och slemhinnor. by Erik Forsblom, Emma Högnäs, Jaana Syrjänen, Asko Järvinen Background Commensal coagulase negative Staphylococcus lugdunensis may cause severe bacteremia (SLB) and complications. Staphylococcus lugdunensis , décrit en 1988, appartient au genre Staphylococcus qui comprend 50 espèces et sous-espèces. Publicar Mapa Mental por Iván Ixcayau. Print 2018 Feb. Microorganisms. Scholarly Impact Quotient™ (SIQ™) is our unique post-publication peer review rating process. In particular, the clumping factor has been detected by the slide coagulase test or latex agglutination test, both of which detect both free and membrane-bound forms of coagulase. Utbrudd av Staphylococcus lugdunensis med uvanlig resistensmønster.pdf (279 KB) På avdeling for medisinsk mikrobiologi, seksjon for bakteriediagnostikk ble det i desember 2020 påvist en S. lugdunensis med nedsatt følsomhet for meticillin hos et barn på nyfødt intensiv. A majority of the isolates were susceptible to all other antibiotics tested. Staphylococcus lugdunensis, a common cause of skin and soft tissue infections in the community. View Dr.LAMæçµ¢çPhD MIPA,AFA,FIIPAA,FCMI,FCICFO,PMPâS profile on LinkedIn, the worldâs largest professional community. Staphylococcus lugdunensis, a coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) species, has emerged as an important human pathogen [1, 2].Given the pathogenic potential and wide spectrum of clinical disease associated with S. lugdunensis, this study assessed the clinical significance and examined phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of isolates of S. lugdunensis identified from ⦠Renate har 4 stillinger oppført på profilen. Additionally, S. lugdunensis is positive for ornithine decarboxylase activity and pyrrolidonyl arylamidase activity in over 90% of isolates, and this test can yield results within eight hours [19]. The breakpoints for S. lugdunensis are higher than those of other CNS and similar to S. aureus breakpoints. 168-172 [6] Freney J, Brun Y, Bes M, et al. describe in a case report the development of resistance in S. lugdunensis to rifampicin and ciprofloxacin while treating a chronic S. lugdunensis infection [44]. Frequency, clinical manifestations, and outcomes of Staphylococcus lugdunensis bacteremia in children, From clinical microbiology to infection pathogenesis: how daring to be different works for Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Incidence, characteristics, and outcomes of Staphylococcus lugdunensis bacteremia, Genotypic diversity of coagulase-negative staphylococci causing endocarditis: a global perspective, Implementation of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry in routine clinical laboratories improves identification of coagulase-negative staphylococci and reveals the pathogenic role of Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Clinical significance of Staphylococcus lugdunensis isolated from routine cultures, Staphylococcus lugdunensis: clinical spectrum, antibiotic susceptibility, and phenotypic and genotypic patterns of 39 isolates, Skin and post-surgical wound infections due to Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Coagulase-negative staphylococci: role as pathogens, Staphylococcus lugdunensis: report of first case of skin and soft tissue infection in Singapore, Infective endocarditis in adults: diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and management of complications, Glycopeptides are no more effective than β-lactam agents for prevention of surgical site infection after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis, Vancomycin versus cefazolin prophylaxis for cardiac surgery in the setting of a high prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections, β-lactams versus glycopeptides in treatment of subcutaneous abscesses infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus skin and soft tissue infections, Staphylococcus lugdunensis: antimicrobial susceptibility and optimal treatment options, Prosthetic joint infection due to Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Current status of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in clinical microbiology, Emergence of Staphylococcus lugdunensis as a cause of urinary tract infection: results of the routine use of MALDI-TOF MS, An update on the role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in major infectious and inflammatory diseases, An unusual case of tricuspid valve infective endocarditis caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the quantification of photon radiation therapy-induced vasculitis, Role of FDG-PET/CT in assessing the correlation between blood pressure and myocardial metabolic uptake, Potential applications of FDG-PET/MRI in detecting vascular dementia, FDG-PET/CT as the superior imaging modality for inflammatory bowel disease, Development of antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus lugdunensis during treatment—report of a case of bacterial arthritis, vertebral osteomyelitis and infective endocarditis, Linezolid treatment of a prosthetic joint infection with Staphylococcus lugdunensis in a patient with multiple myeloma, Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing; twenty-third informational supplement, Staphylococcus lugdunensis infective endocarditis: description of 10 cases and analysis of native valve, prosthetic valve, and pacemaker lead endocarditis clinical profiles, Molecular characteristics of disease-causing and commensal Staphylococcus lugdunensis isolates from 2003 to 2013 at a tertiary hospital in Taiwan, Staphylococcus lugdunensis endocarditis with destruction of the ventricular septum and multiple native valves, Staphylococcus Lugdunensis endocarditis and cerebrovascular accident: a systematic review of risk factors and clinical outcome.
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